I'm using Maya 2018. I'm trying to apply a displacement map to this sphere so it's seamless from all angles. The material I'm using is aiStandardSurface, if that's any help.
Displacement map:

My UV layout:

To do the UV layout I just did 'UV > Spherical'
If anyone can give me a hand I'd greatly appreciate it!

The problem with what you're doing here is that spherical projection means that the closer you get to the poles, the more distorted it will be. Also, while your texture tiles in both directions, you can't get that sort of tiling on a sphere because of the poles.
On this page, search for "triplanar" to get to the relevant part: https://knowledge.autodesk.com/support/maya/learn-explore/caas/CloudHelp/cloudhelp/2015/ENU/Maya/files/Shading-Nodes-Projection-htm.html
This video goes through the process:
- - - - -
The cases where this doesn't work well is when you have patterned textures that need to tile seamlessly, or with tilted geometry that's not aligned to the world axes:
@EarthQuake So then, if I'm understanding you right then that'd mean it's near impossible to be rid of the ripple effect cause at the poles under common circumstances?
@RN Also thanks alot for the video, that's an ingenious method. I never even knew projection was an option until now. I applied it, this was the result:
I'm very pleased with it!
Okay, now I've rendered it without the area light in the background, and now the light can't seem to escape the orb.
Like I explained in the first post, there's two orbs. Small one inside big one.
Big = Glassy one,
Small = Glowing one.
I got it to glow by setting it's emission to 1, didn't do anything else to it aside from changing it's color.
If you're using Mental Ray, Arnold etc. you should search how to make the big glass orb material be translucent.