Another one of my ship reworks, rebuilding it completely from scratch with new kit/workflows to make it much more optimized and prettier. Will also take the chance to improve on the ship's design and streamline it where I can as I always felt this one was a bit underdeveloped. Original concept art by Benjamin Last
Early days still but starting to get a feel for what I want to do with it. Going to stream some of my work on it later today on our Twitch channel - tune in at 6PM UK time (~2½ hours from now) - I'll drop a link to the recording here once the stream has finished.
Looking really great! My only comment is that with the amount of detail you've incorporated, would it be possible for you to simplify some of the panels to give a better balance of 'quiet v. noisy' areas? But seriously, awesome work
Looking really great! My only comment is that with the amount of detail you've incorporated, would it be possible for you to simplify some of the panels to give a better balance of 'quiet v. noisy' areas? But seriously, awesome work
Yeah will do, I tend to fiddle with the panel texture size and placement quite a lot while building these things before I settle for anything - nice spot!
Yeah will do, I tend to fiddle with the panel texture size and placement quite a lot while building these things before I settle for anything - nice spot!