Hey al! Here's a project I'm working on - a Polaroid SX-70 camera. Going to have it presented in its unique looking leather carrying case too (top left of ref), for some organic interest. The leather would be a challenge to nail and make it look spot on. Here's some highpoly shots, I'm almost done all the pieces.
Another update for the day, high res is fully complete, maybe a few tweaks here and there, but off to low-res. The grey stripes of polys is just going to be stitching set up in a 2nd uv channel.
You're doing it! Been a pleasure to watch this develop from the beginning, thanks for sharing!
Also, on the last screen shot, there's a deep scratch just below center of the image that I might try masking out, or at least reducing. It's pretty high contrast and most of the rest of the camera is pretty clean... just my feel on it
@aclund3 Thanks! Appreciate that you enjoyed the updates/process!
It was sort of intentional, i wanted to put a few severe dings/scratches to contrast the light wear/scratches all over, maybe it's a bit much, so I'll tone its height down.
Adjusting more lighting/angles for renders - thought adding a tabletop would help present/light a bit better? would love input/feedback on what I've got so far.
The light reflecting off the table doesn't match with the render so its kind of floaty/disconcerting at the moment. I'd work on that a bit, and then also, I wouldn't expect so much light on the case directly beneath the metal on the camera. Just my quick 2 cents...
@aclund3 Yeah I've noticed that, it's just from the lighting set up i had before i put in the table. It does look floaty, as I was hoping contact AO would help, since i disabled 'cast shadows' on all the lights. Looks worse with Cast Shadows on too (bottom pic). Maybe I should just ditch the table idea.
This is looking sweet dude, Keep working on that lighting its improving a lot
The only thing that puts me off is that it looks like its balancing impossibly on that bit of case, but then i saw the reference image which still looks super wierd. Not sure if anyone else agrees but just to remove that question from the viewers mind and add some more depth to the scene it could be cool to have something under it that the camera is resting on. and maybe get some photos and some more personal touches on the table
I know! It's super mind-boggling, but I like how you suggested to remove the doubt/question from viewers and just add a stand. I was thinking of doing just that, because so many comments are how it's defying physics. I'm thinking of just adding a bit more things to turn this into a micro scene, there'll be a clamp-arm lamp on the desk, and some developed polaroids laying around.
@aclund3 small things, nothing technical, just due to me being dumb with Marmoset lol. Things such as light properties (width/distance/mesh scaling to get proper results).
now that's looking awesome I'm one who likes clutter for this kind of older looking render so i think you can go further filling the desk up with things haha but yea the books and the lamp look really nice
@Kobalt Kiwii It was tempting, but the last thing I wanted to do was to detract focus from the camera. However, some more items could help ground it's scale.
Thank you! Yep, still in sub-d stage.
Camera high res is done, the canvas looking bag in the inside is kinda placeholder. Starting to block out the carrying case.
Also, on the last screen shot, there's a deep scratch just below center of the image that I might try masking out, or at least reducing. It's pretty high contrast and most of the rest of the camera is pretty clean... just my feel on it
It was sort of intentional, i wanted to put a few severe dings/scratches to contrast the light wear/scratches all over, maybe it's a bit much, so I'll tone its height down.
Still coming along, going to get some better angles/flat background instead of blurred hdr.
The only thing that puts me off is that it looks like its balancing impossibly on that bit of case, but then i saw the reference image which still looks super wierd. Not sure if anyone else agrees but just to remove that question from the viewers mind and add some more depth to the scene it could be cool to have something under it that the camera is resting on. and maybe get some photos and some more personal touches on the table
I know! It's super mind-boggling, but I like how you suggested to remove the doubt/question from viewers and just add a stand. I was thinking of doing just that, because so many comments are how it's defying physics. I'm thinking of just adding a bit more things to turn this into a micro scene, there'll be a clamp-arm lamp on the desk, and some developed polaroids laying around.
What were the things that @EarthQuake worked on with you in terms of the lighting? Just curious for myself
Nope - nice spam, though.