(only open to people who are allowed to work in the US) (There is the International Associates program for those not eligible for the CAs)
The GDC CA program is one of the few ways you can attend GDC for free (minus hotel/food/transportation costs).
If selected you get to:
1) Free Full Access ticket
2) Free GDC Vault access
3) a Lunch credit card to buy lunch on the premises
4) More importantly, you'll be volunteering and hanging out with a very aggressively intimate networking situation and people you'll be in contact with throughout the year.
I really encourage people to apply if you want to finally go to GDC, or see GDC in a different light.
I've been doing it for 7 years, so if you need help with the application, feel free to ask me questions.
Deadline is
December 22nd.

This is an opportunity for a free GDC ticket people.
Thanks anyway !
Oh just read about the Internationals ones, I'll give it a look thanks. Are you sure it exists ? I don't find it and they mention they can,t help with getting any work permit but they do welcome internationals who have one.
Look for Jennifer Killham.
Fingers crossed
I remember the first year I went to GDC, the very first day I found someones all access pass and it was one of the CA's that had lost it. I found him finally on twitter and got it back to him (after some light teasing). Ran in to him at the Polycount hang out and got free beer!
KARMA is awesome!
How many CA's do they usually have each year?
Free Full ACcess ticket for just volunteering.