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Blade Runner 2049 ( SPOILERS ! )

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Axi5 interpolator
Not gaming related.

Just saw this in the cinema, I was a big fan of the first one and loved this one. Have you seen it? What did you think?

I thought the cinematography in this film was outstanding, worth watching for that alone IMO, soundtrack and effects too, a cyberpunk fan's wet dream.


  • Michael Knubben
    Haven't had a chance yet, but hopefully soon! I'm pleasantly surprised by the reactions I've heard so far, given that it's a hard sell to follow up a beloved years-old film with a sequel. I was really skeptical, but I'm cautiously optimistic now...
  • thomasp
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    thomasp hero character
    it does sound interesting for sure. however i am having a hard time sitting through a full length film without breaks to do other stuff these days, call it full-on ADHD syndrome. from the middle of the film i just start checking my watch. will probably have to wait for BR release then.

    also there's this real pet peeve with films in which beloved character X from the previous movie makes an appearance, usually to cash in on some actor's pull. star trek for me leads the lameness charts for doing that. always makes me think of the film as a product, streamlined and engineered for maximum asses-to-seats-yield. harrison ford is a repeat offender!

  • Ashervisalis
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    Ashervisalis grand marshal polycounter
    I'm pretty over the theater scene. Paying $20 to sit through half an hour of ads, listen to people open and munch on bags of M&Ms, and slurp their drink behind me isn't my thing anymore. My TV at home looks better than the theater screen anyways, and I can pause for bathroom breaks and get under a blanket whenever.

    But I'm still really pumped about this movie. I'm a massive cyber punk fan, and I have high expectations for this movie.
  • Shiniku
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    Shiniku polycounter lvl 14
    I thought this movie was fantastic. Was very faithful to the visuals and themes of the original, but IMO it improves upon it in almost every way.

    There's no way it will be as influential or iconic, but this is one of the best sequels ever made, I think Denis Villeneuve really pulled off a miracle.

    I think any fans of the original, or fans of cinema, sci-fi, or great visuals in general owe it to themselves to see it on the big screen. I ope I have a chance to see it a second time before it's out of theaters.
  • marks
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    marks greentooth
    Would have been a better movie without quite so much overt misogyny, but I'd still rate it. Will Roger Deakins get the Oscar this time? I hope so.
  • kanga
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    kanga quad damage
    Love the look. A Syd Mead fan. Whatever he started,..
  • Ryusaki
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    Ryusaki greentooth
    marks said:
    Would have been a better movie without quite so much overt misogyny, but I'd still rate it.
    Its an dystopian future, maybe that was part of the point of why these usually suck for the people?
    Just because the movie is showing it, doesn't mean its agreeing with it.
    But what do i know, I haven't seen it yet.
  • Wesley
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    Wesley polycounter lvl 14
    marks said:
    Would have been a better movie without quite so much overt misogyny, but I'd still rate it. Will Roger Deakins get the Oscar this time? I hope so.
    Yeah I never know what to think of misogyny like that in a film... I mean, it's making an explicit point about it? But... I dunno. That stuff gets excused a lot for that reason, too?

    Anyway, this film was dope as fuck. I want to see it again already.
  • mats effect
    Man I can't wait for this to come on on 4K Blu ray, the visuals are stunning. 
  • Axi5
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    Axi5 interpolator
    Wesley said:

    Anyway, this film was dope as fuck. I want to see it again already.
    Damn right, I pretty much wanted to go straight back in for another showing just as I'd left. I've never felt that way about a film I've just seen before.

    Misogyny wise, I don't follow any debate about it, but when it comes to its mature themes it doesn't shy away and I think it deals with them in a mature way. I don't think that the sexualised women in the film were glorified by the film, by that I mean I don't think the creators intended for people to think that this is the way the world should be. It's a world full of pain and negativity, so it resorts to gross over-indulgence in a true noir fashion... Women, alcohol and cigarettes.

    Moving on, the visual cues drawing from the original were great. Unfortunately, I did really miss the big flame pyres from the first one, and this latest one felt even more congested, but that's to be expected since a few years have passed. The cold neon lights in the rainy streets, Vs the warm muddy hues of the Wallace corporation were a direct mirror of the first film.

    This is the only cult-classic sequel I've heard of, that has critics and viewers loving it. Most of the time it's "they shouldn't have touched it!", But I am so glad they did. This is truly a great sequel to blade runner.

    And I'm going back to the damn cinema, going to begrudgingly buy more popcorn and cola and will unashamedly enjoy this film again.
  • sacboi
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    sacboi veteran polycounter
    Saw the original Ridley Scott theatrical 1982 release. Was blown away then and to be entirely honest most likely second time around I think, regardless of the positive feedback trending through critic/audience reviews thus far. So yeah can't wait too see it on the big screen for myself, via gold class experience of course :P   
  • CreativeSheep
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    CreativeSheep polycounter lvl 8
    Too much fluff to little substance.
  • Joshua Godwin
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    Joshua Godwin polycounter lvl 4
    Never actually saw the first one but just saw this the other day. Something about the ending felt a little lackluster, beyond that I thought it was really good.
  • Darth Tomi
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    Darth Tomi polycounter lvl 12
    Just saw it. I liked it.  Blade Runner was one of those movies that didn't need a sequel but got one anyway. Surprisingly good. Some minor flaws, like the music was just lots of loud bwamms and honks (the original soundtrack is a classic). But yeah.
    (Not a slathering fanboy but the original is one of my all time favorite movies)
  • ajramsey28
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    ajramsey28 triangle
    I loved it! Im so happy they kept the aesthetic of the first film. The story was depressing also, spent all week thinking about it. I also loved how there were some tiny Easter egg nods to the book. 
  • David-J
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    David-J polycounter lvl 11
    I loved it. One of those movies that I think it's worth it to go see it in a good theatre with great sound. Such an experience. I love how it extrapolates from the first one and gives you insights to discuss about. Totally recommend it. 
    Also it's good to see a proper sequel with some thought process behind and not just trying to cash in on the first of the series.
  • ScoobyDoofus
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    ScoobyDoofus polycounter lvl 20
    Loved it. Incredible. I was lucky in that I saw it sitting next to a coworker...and one other random dude in the theater, so...pretty much a private viewing. It was, in my opinion, the most beautiful imagery ever put to film. Just jaw-dropping. I can't wait to see it again.
  • Brian "Panda" Choi
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    Brian "Panda" Choi high dynamic range
    I am now afraid of hover cars.

    Everytime those spinners were on screen, just a sonic "BWAAAAAMMMMM."

    Sublime movie.
  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky
    Loved it. Incredible. I was lucky in that I saw it sitting next to a coworker...and one other random dude in the theater, so...pretty much a private viewing. It was, in my opinion, the most beautiful imagery ever put to film. Just jaw-dropping. I can't wait to see it again.
    so sad that is is failing so hard in US cinemas :x 
  • VelvetElvis
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    VelvetElvis polycounter lvl 12
    Blade Runner was never a mainstream movie and to think this one would be any different shows little forethought from the movie studios trying to cash in on a quick buck of nostalgia.

    I think Blade Runner is either a love it or bored to tears type of movie with little in between. I really didn't like the first one and that held true for the sequel. Visually they both are outstanding movies, but the movie itself for me personally is a slow burn. That seems to be the big split if people like it or not is if this style of glacially paced movie is for you. I really want to like these 2 movies, but I just can't get into them. Maybe on my next flight I'll try again where there is little else going on and I can really focus on the story.

    The overwhelming US audience is male and over 25, so they missed the bigger demographic there.
  • RyanB
    jesseoffy said:
    ... and that their exploration of what makes us human didn't feel trodden or clichéd, considering the original already did that quite well.
    The original movie actually did it fairly poorly, especially when compared to the book. 

    In the movie,  Deckard is a replicant and Roy Baty is a replicant.  Both show empathy.  Replicants have empathy...ok.  We don't learn anything about what separates a human from a replicant.  In the book, Deckard is human and we read about his growing to empathize with the androids.

  • rollin
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    rollin polycounter
    Guess I had to watch the first one tree times to really understand what's going on as it's so slow paced I constantly lost track.
    It's nice (and a bit exhausting) to see the new one to be also slower then the usual movie.
    But I'm now a big fan of both!
    Even though I have to say I would love to see more battle sequences as they're quite cool in the new one (even as there aren't many) 
    I guess this cyborg-body-is-superior and future-tech-is-freaky mood 'ghost in the shell' (the anime) showcases could be expanded a bit more.
    Also I really would love to see more about the technology of the cyborgs. Beside the fact that they can "print" atomic numbers on every piece they produce there is not much info what they are, how they work, what they need to survive (do they need to eat?) and what does kill them (they do breath!?)

    Edit: If you haven't you should defenitely whatch the 3 official short films before watching the movie

  • ScoobyDoofus
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    ScoobyDoofus polycounter lvl 20
    Neox said:
    so sad that is is failing so hard in US cinemas :x 
    Yeah...its not doing great. I read its at about 80 million after 3 weeks, but that's Domestic(US) box office only. 
    The budget was "only" 150 million, so they'll probably be profitable after the international box office is calculated, plus then DVD/streaming sales. I hope so anyway.

    In a lot of ways, its sort of mirroring what happened with the original. It released, flopped at the box office, then over the next 10 years, people realized it was brilliant.
  • Fuiosg
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    Fuiosg polycounter lvl 5
    rollin said:
    Also I really would love to see more about the technology of the cyborgs. Beside the fact that they can "print" atomic numbers on every piece they produce there is not much info what they are, how they work, what they need to survive (do they need to eat?) and what does kill them (they do breath!?)

     Are they cyborgs? I thought they were just like GMO humans, genetically engineered but organic. They don't seem to explain it much. In one scene that woman comes out of the bag and is 'born' fully matured, but then there's talk about them giving birth.
  • ScoobyDoofus
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    ScoobyDoofus polycounter lvl 20
    They are not cyborgs. They are genetically engineered human-like organisms. Yes, they need to eat, sleep, breathe, drink, shit, etc.
    They are just super-human slaves, made for particular tasks(and in the original, they only live for 4 years). Combat, sex-slavery, domestic servants, police, mining, etc. Because they have a tendency to go violently nuts, in the first film, they are illegal on Earth.
  • throttlekitty
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    throttlekitty ngon master
    I totally loved the film, and I was glad that it wasn't totally hollywooded up- even though that fight scene was brilliant. I loved how on point and minimal much of the dialog was, really well written. And that fuckin' soundtrack. damn. I think something the movie didn't adequately address was the revolution that takes place between the two movies and how that impacted current events and the worldview of replicants in general. At least for the average crowd? I noticed comments elsewhere that confirm it was kind of either a "you either get it or you don't" kind of thing.

    also inb4 someone makes a straight-to-video prequel to 2049 and messes the whole thing up.

    I need to watch it again, they did some sneaky things with Joi throughout the whole film, but I don't want to start up with spoilers here. She was an amazing mirror to the whole story.
  • Axi5
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    Axi5 interpolator
    If you haven't read it yet, I love this write up on Joi, spoilers for those who haven't seen it yet.

  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator
    I just saw it last night, it was beautiful and well crafted and I would recommend seeing it but I also have to say I found it unremittingly bleak and not a particularly inspiring story.

    Also spoiler: at the end why cant wallace just track officer k down on gps or track the vehicle that sank in the sea and retrieve its data or use surveillance to see them going into the memory making business etc...it seems like a guy like Wallace would have access to these things. We see them track down K via a computer in the police station earlier in the film and everything seems to be being watched and recorded and Wallace owns that memory business so it makes sense he would be watching it. Just seemed like a sad ending in so many ways because I dont see how this could ever end well in the next hour that we dont get to see when the credits roll.
  • Shiniku
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    Shiniku polycounter lvl 14
    Ged said:
    I just saw it last night, it was beautiful and well crafted and I would recommend seeing it but I also have to say I found it unremittingly bleak and not a particularly inspiring story.

    Also spoiler: at the end why cant wallace just track officer k down on gps or track the vehicle that sank in the sea and retrieve its data or use surveillance to see them going into the memory making business etc...it seems like a guy like Wallace would have access to these things. We see them track down K via a computer in the police station earlier in the film and everything seems to be being watched and recorded and Wallace owns that memory business so it makes sense he would be watching it. Just seemed like a sad ending in so many ways because I dont see how this could ever end well in the next hour that we dont get to see when the credits roll.
    [spoiler] Well it's been a bit since I've seen the movie at this point, and it's definitely ambiguous. I think your interpretation is just as reasonable as any, BUT, I think tracking people and recording them is different in this world. While the Original Blade Runner was a vision of a possible future, it is set in 2018. So we know that this is no longer a vision of the future, but instead an alternate timeline where technological revolutions are completely different. I bring this up to say - I don't think this world has the internet. I can't remember exactly, but weren't they tracking K's car from the police station, not K himself? Probably using radio waves or something. Point is, although this movie shows a lot of crazy advanced technology, it's also limited in ways we're not used to (like how Joi has to be carried around on a physical device). 

    So anyway, I don't think it's a given that Wallace would be able to track them. I'm sure he could send someone out to do some detective work and figure stuff out, but I don't think he would be right on their heels. He didn't even know what Luv was doing most of the time.[/spoiler]
  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator
    Ah that would make the story a bit more palatable Shiniku! Thanks, I was chatting with workmates about this and I wasnt sure weather they had our tech or not but it makes more sense as a movie if they dont.
  • Stinger88
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    Stinger88 polycounter
    Finally got around to seeing it.

    Review: 4.3/5 - A great movie all told and gorgeous visuals. Story was ok, nothing ground breaking. Acting was great as well. The movie could have been about 45mins shorter though. Long pauses and looking into the distance felt like padding and served no purpose. The soundtrack was a let down. Long ambient drones are my bag, but they just didn't seem to fit with the visuals in parts and just felt too stark. I'm not just being nostalgic, I love Zimmer's work... But then Vangelis' OST is absolute perfection...

    The original for me is just perfect when it comes to audio and visuals working together. The new one just doesn't quite have the same balance beautiful visuals but lacks the audio part.

    Still loved it though.

    [spoiler]I didn't think about it at the end because I thought it ended well but my wife got the impression there will be another movie because Wallace is still alive and the bad guys need to be killed for a movie to end right?... I dunno but I do like the idea that we might see more.[/spoiler]
  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator
    Stinger88 said:

    The original for me is just perfect when it comes to audio and visuals working together. The new one just doesn't quite have the same balance beautiful visuals but lacks the audio part.

    Agree with your review, especially this part, zimmer seems to want to create a sense of discomfort or unease in a lot of scenes and it works but it feels a bit ugly compared to the originals soaring score sometimes.
  • Stinger88
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    Stinger88 polycounter
    I still enjoy the Zimmer OST and i'll be listening to both. As said, Vangelis's is just outstanding though. Here's both so you can make your own minds up.

    The new one (this link keeps getting pulled down I think so not sure how long it'll last.)

    And this is the 2002 Esper Edition of the original. The most "movie accurate" version available.
  • Stinger88
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    Stinger88 polycounter
    Also, now that i've seen it I can start hunting out all the gorgeous art. Here's a nice art dump.

    I'll be getting the art book for sure.
  • leleuxart
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    leleuxart polycounter lvl 12
    I picked up the art book last week. Definitely worth getting if you're into movie production in general, as it includes numerous photos and interviews on set design(including the miniatures from Weta), costume design, etc. Each page has a couple of concepts as well. Just don't get the deluxe version, because you pay 2x the price only for a cover sleeve and a small print. 

    Roger Deakins, the DP, has answered numerous questions on lighting setup, format, grading, and other cinematography-related things on his personal forum, but there's supposed to be a larger selection of information in December's American Cinematographer magazine if you're into that.
  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator
    Oh yeah zimmer did a good job evoking exactly what 2049 is, its a great soundtrack for that film. I still much prefer the edge of hopefulness or perhaps the inspirational melodic feel of the original vangelis soundtrack but I know that wouldnt have fitted the theme in 2049 so well.

    Artbook sounds great!
  • Kwramm
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    Kwramm interpolator
    Finally saw it on the weekend - not sure if the Chinese censors cut anything, but I don't think so. It's a great movie in it's own right. but it feels like a Denis Villeneuve movie set in the Blade Runner universe, rather than a Blade Runner movie which happens to be made by Denis Villeneuve. Many scenes strongly remind of Arrival and Sicario - the framing, the lighting, the pacing, the soundtrack all does it. I would have liked more of the same Ridley Scott Blade Runner, but I also enjoyed that it was different - especially the sets and lighting are breathtaking and very well done.

    Soundtrack - didn't like the repetitive whooms and booms. It seems Zimmer took many cues from Johansson and Villeneuve's earlier work. It's not something I could listen to all by itself at work. Probably my least favorite part of the movie.

    The other thing that annoyed me were the replicant leader and her followers - this just cries for a Michael Bay-esque action laden sequel that will hopefully never ever get made. I loved the much more open ending of the final cut - that gave you something to think about.
  • Solid_Otter
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    Solid_Otter polycounter lvl 6
    My favorite movie of the year, tbh. Felt it would have done a bit better in the box office it were shorter though. I'm getting the feeling that Mr. Villeneuve likes to pace his films very slowly, but not many people have the patience for those kind of movies. I'd like to see it a second time if I can find the time.
    The soundtrack was decent but there are only a few tracks that I keep coming back to. Like 'Sea Wall'

    Also, I was a bit confused on why Wallace would want replicants to be able procreate. Wouldn't this botch his business? Sure he could choose which replicants have the ability, but I feel like it would be impossible to completely control. Then there's the effect that would have on other replicants' emotional stability...
  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator

    Also, I was a bit confused on why Wallace would want replicants to be able procreate. Wouldn't this botch his business? Sure he could choose which replicants have the ability, but I feel like it would be impossible to completely control. Then there's the effect that would have on other replicants' emotional stability...
    I think wallace is perhaps deluded, he thinks his power over the replicants is absolute and they will do his bidding completely wether they are born or made. I think this brings up interesting questions and could be good material for a sequel.
  • Eric Chadwick
    Loved the flick. Sound design was amazing. I get that some people didn't love the running time, but I love slow burns. Pacing was fantastic.

    Did the daughter implant her memories in each of the rebels, as a way to organize them? Was K the only one to get her horse memory? Or did they each get the same, and he was the only one to be in the right place to actually find the horse?

    Lots of nice touches in this movie. Loved how the Luv's ending moments echoed how she lived at full intensity. 
  • Eric Chadwick
    Boiling garlic at Sapper's reminded me of boiling eggs at Sebastian's.
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