Working on bringing
Tom McDowell's "Hammerhead" character concept for Overwatch to life. One of the few fan ideas that actually looks interesting and fun to me, but take that from a guy who does concecpt art for Mattel.
Talon, in an effort to match the genetic freaks of the Overwatch team, stuck lasers, missiles, claws, and legs to a shark.
His name is Bruce.[LATEST WIP]
Need to tool with lighting and material reflectance to sync it as best I can with OW in game.

Blocking in medium elements. Still figuring out the mounting end of the wrist mounted laser tagger.
OR the more obvious thing, that it is attatched to this kind of green tech-glove that he is wearing. Judging from the right hand the top part of his arm is certainly covered with a metal part that goes all the way from the base of his fingers till his elbow. So this might be a kind of glove specifically designed to place weapons on that part of your arms
Talking with Tom about this, he hasn't made mention of that being the function.
Most of the elements needed are there now. Just need to give them cleaner topology versions for final form sculpting.
How's the overall flow, shape, and feel of the character feel atm?
1) head needs to be bigger
2) Launcher needs to be 100% bigger
3) Calves 50% shorter
4) thigh girthier and attention to the silhouette of the right thigh.
5) Arms could stand to be girthier
Refining detail forms along the legs, arm, and problem solving the back design.
What do you guys feel about the back?
On the concept the character looks strong and compact.
In comparison your character looks widespread and a bit flimsy.
Main differences are the shoulder (hard to tell because of different pose) and hip. Shoulder could easily be 50% bigger. The legs could be a little bit shorter and the hips are ... different.
Tried to address the gesture issues and proportions with the deltoid and arms. Much olbiged, Pav and defragger
Looking into beefing up the arm elbow areas and have it echo the leg design.
Rest of the body feel solid as far as volumes go (Aside from the thumbs as mentioned already).
implemented the feedback into the head as much as possible.
Thumb fixed. I tried redoing the claws to make them plausibly work, but the hinged joints, I feel like, completely stray away from the aesthetic. I'm going to rework that.
Still wondering how I will mount that missile pod on the back.
model more, sculpt less
Like get a majority of the elements done in the "box modeling" style (boolean, subDiv, etc.)?
I think I'm in a satisfied place for the claw designs.
Replacing elements of the sculpt with modeled pieces.
Feet, pieces of the back, and launcher need to be finished up.
Still need to focus on figuring out how I'll mount the launcher and do a silhouette/gesture pass.
Working on the missile launcher. Redesigned the armature to fit the smoother forms that you see in the concept.
Gonna finalize the laser arm weapon thing. In my head, the intention seems to be the laser guides the missile launcher as some secondary ability.
Anyone have feedback?
Legs cleaned up. Refigured out thigh folds. Forearms cleaned up.
Opened the mouth up to get it more defined and visibly animatable.
Cleaning up various meshes.
Need to redo the missile pod exhaust.
Right now I think I have almost EVERYTHING blocked in.
Going through and cleaning up the meshes.
Anyone have any design suggestions for the dorsal/spine area? Still nto satisfied with how that looks, but it's not a hugely important area admittedly.
Retooling the spine back. Thankyou Bryan.
I was an idiot and didn't realize I have an already existing pattern with the green cylinder pods underneath the head, so I instanced it across the back with some simple plating.
Slowly cleaning up a lot of the meshes and making adjustments to some of the forms and lines they're making. Also editing some of the meshes for more interesting animation actions later.
I'm not digging my version of the teeth; I'm going to go in to modify them into how it is in the concept.
Getting close to being ready for retopo.
Doing retopology and cleaning up some sculpt elements as I see them.
This is closer to the final sculpt.
Significant changes include the folds/wrinkles on the shoulder muscle fibers.
Thank you to Satoshi, Dylan, and Mike Steele for their feedback.
Moved the head stalks forward to be less of a spade shape.
Thickened up the neck and eye stalks.
Moved the mouth forward to reflect concept proportion.
Widened the pectoral muscles.
Changed the silhouette and added compression folds to thighs.
Moved the knee joint muscles
Increased the size of the knee guard
Tapered down the bicep.
Replaced neck canisters with separate geo.
Need to shorten the claws.
Will thin the feet calves in the low poly. Was told they a tad too thick.
Booleaning separate meshes to get your final low poly is super faster than just hand modeling everything.
Coming back to the "moresharknudity"-thing (@RocketBryan), these smaller Back-Fins can show the more Fish-Side of the Character. At the sides of the Belly, but maybe there is too much things Sticken out of the Abdominal Part...
ps. these mini fins could be one of the Wiggle parts ont he character
Retopo and baking relatively done! Texturre block ins going forth, and fixing bake errors as I see them.
Blocking in colors. Finessing specularity. Working in the base gradients.
Some small issues, but right now I have aa feeling I need to get the lighting set up proper to get a "standard" render
Getting additional wear and tear blocked in before I start pulling back on it.
Detailing in the dirt, color gradients, wear and tear, and fixing minute bake issues as they're coming up.
Also doing lighting/rendering testing as well as blocking in the skeleton for animating.
Any feedback from anyone on this?
Blocking in an Idle animation and remedially fixing the rig as issues come up.
Thank you to Dylan Mellot for his feeedback
More work done on the Idle animation
Need to tool with lighting and material reflectance to sync it as best I can with OW in game.