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Substance Painter Opacity Bug?

polycounter lvl 5
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joshmtyler polycounter lvl 5
Hey everyone, I've been using Substance Painter 2 for a little over a year now and am all of a sudden having issues with opacity.
When I adjust a simple opacity on anything, there is no gradation. It just goes from fully opaque to invisible. I'm using the Roughness/Metallic Alpha test material.

Notice the opacity slider

I feel like a n00b again. :D


  • sprunghunt
    Offline / Send Message
    sprunghunt polycounter
    That's not a bug. Alpha-test means that a shader tests the pixels to see if they're transparent and throws out the invisible ones. Alpha-tested pixels in shaders have only two states; visible and invisible. There's never going to be a gradation of transparency because an alpha-test shader does not support that kind of transparency.
  • joshmtyler
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    joshmtyler polycounter lvl 5
    You're totally right. Man, I'm trying it with the basic roughness and while I see it  change in the opacity channel, I see nothing change in the viewport. :/
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