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3d Stylize game environment/asset. I need your critiques.

polycounter lvl 9
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K0une polycounter lvl 9
I have finished my last environment 3d work, and I felt that this work is poor. I didn't get feedback. If you have time, please give me some critiques about this 3d art. I need it, because want to grow. Thanks a lot!model



  • Larry
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    Larry interpolator
    Well there is not much to comment here. I am not really fond of your smoke/effects cards, this is a technique used 10 years ago. As far as your models, they look fine for a stylized environment but they don't really stand out to me. The einvironment does not tell a story, it's just items placed here and there with simple materials. At least you could add an emissive material to make some parts kind of glow, like the crystals. Also, why is the ground's topology so bad? It's a simple square, could be 1 polygon since it's all flat (looks flat)
  • JunkieKong
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    JunkieKong interpolator
    I don't really have a problem with the terrain, geo doesn't need to be fancy for this purpose and the texture looks great. Probably the big thing for me is that cloth is not very convincing, it looks really thick and blobby, making it look more like plasticine or something. I reckon harder edges and sharper highlights on edges would look better. Are there normals on the cloth too? It looks like it has some generic lumpiness, instead needs to have some folds and tension lines to look convincing.
    But yeah the texturing is a bit all over the place for me, because you've done a good job for the ground and wood textures, the other stuff is kinda boring in comparison.
  • K0une
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    K0une polycounter lvl 9
    Thanks Lary for you help. You right, I didn't pay very much attention to topology ground and therefore it looks flat.
    I am fully agree with a view that some parts of materials need to glow. 

    Thanks JunkieKong. Yes, cloth have normal maps. It my first time for render cloth materials, Big parts was hard too me. 
    I need more practice with cloth materials.
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