ls work experience at free-to-play / freemium mobile game studios considered "industry experience"? i.e. is it transferrable to game studios like indies and AAAs
Also wondering if the genre/quality of the product matters (in terms of how "valuable" the experience is). For example, 1 mobile studio that's looking at me produces what is essentially interactive stories that cater to the Twilight / 50 Shades of Grey Audience. Another mobile studio looking at me produces a variety of F2P games
l should note that my dream job is Game Writer, as in writing the story.
I'm forgetful most of the time about those disciplines not involved with the asset creation side of things, indeed without some kind of story or even tacked on narrative of sorts, a game would virtually be a bunch of pixels' whizzing around the screen without yes a role that is quite pivotal.
So that being said, collectively works by Shigeru Miyamoto-san, Tim Schafer and Peter Molyneux in particular, are for me ideal examples of what can be achieved.
Also of further note an article I'd found very interesting, in relation too your query:
Do you want to write video games?
with that in mind though, and considering the job you want, you'll probably find that pure writers are less in demand since the games tend to be based around distinct hooks rather than narrative. There's a lot of effort made in user retention, but that's so they keep spending, not so they stick with the game to learn more of the story.
if you want to write for games, show you know the craft of designing games.
Some info:
- FAQ 32: Writing for Games (2003)
- Game Writing Special Interests Group