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[Maya] Workflow High Poly to Low Poly (Hard Surface)

polycounter lvl 7
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YF_Sticks polycounter lvl 7
Hey Polycount!

Quick question about High to Low Poly in Maya for Hard Surface. 

Let's say you model a detailed Pistol for games. First you subd model the pistol using edge loops for smooth edges and good detail. That is your high poly. To get the low poly to bake the normal maps for the game engine, what is your way of doing it? Duplicate it and then delete all the "smoothing" edge loops? Or do you retopologize the mesh (like i.e. a character)?

I hope you understand my question. If not I try to explain it better.

Thank you for any feedback!


  • Axi5
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    Axi5 interpolator
    Try whichever method works best on whichever model. Some hardsurface models have more organic curves etc. that might be best with the second method. The first method is guaranteed to get you in the ballpark, since the points started in the same location before subd
  • cromadbomber
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    cromadbomber polycounter lvl 11
    I use creasing with Zbrush. This way lowpoly is my highpoly aswel. No need to remove anything.
  • throttlekitty
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    throttlekitty ngon master
    For props like a gun, I usually do exactly that; work the lowpoly from the subd cage that I built for the highpoly. It's all contextual, and like Axi5 says, it gets you in the ballpark. You're not limited to a single way through a single object either, sometimes it might make more sense to extrude and snap a new set of polygons over the cage or high poly rather than spend time to clean everything up.
  • Noth
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    Noth polycounter lvl 15
    A mix of the two workflows can work too. There's some obvious pieces you can keep, like say a barrel or something, but maybe the stock or main section has some intricate indents, etc. So maybe you retopo those manually. However you get to the low poly with the least amount of re-work is best.
  • YF_Sticks
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    YF_Sticks polycounter lvl 7
    Got it, thank you for your clarification! :smile:
  • TTools
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    TTools polycounter lvl 4
    FWIW, I agree  with @throttlekitty. My preferred method is banging out what we refer to as a mid-poly.  It's a sub-d cage constructed model, but with the presence of mind to think about how it will go up and down in resolution.  At some point you reach the point of no return, where you duplicate your geo as a copy and push it up to full high resolution.  You can then go back to your mid poly once you've finished your high, and you've got something that's really manageable to reduce to your low.

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