Hi everyone,
do you have any idea on how I could create a water blob/drop in Unity? I saw that some use the Cloth simulator, but I can't get the results I want. The water blob needs to move around on surfaces, and it might need to increase its size by joining with other blobs in the future, as well as become solid or evaporate.
Do you have any ideas on this?
Another thing you could do, which I think is what most games do, is fake it with animated particles or sprites. You could just make a few frames that represent your water pool at whatever size you want, along with a normal map- that should simple and convincing enough. If you need it to have more depth, you could just make it a mesh from a modeling program and use blendspaces to deform it.
Was just passing through when I saw this. Never heard of metaballs but I'm certainly interested now. As was said it doesn't look too convincing for water but seems interesting nonetheless.