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Need advice/tips for pursuing 3D game environment art

polycounter lvl 6
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Zanmato polycounter lvl 6
Hello! I am a self-study 3D artist for over a year now and I feel like I'm not improving at all, I don't know if it's due to bad execution or just have no motivation to level up my works. I've been doing low poly environment and I feel like I need to step up my game, but don't really know where to begin with. I'm into hand painted stuff, but I don't even know how to paint. I've seen a lot of awesome works here and in ArtStation that I try to copy, but so far I couldn't finish anything that I see. I get excited then after hitting a wall, I lose motivation, which sucks. I don't know how to approach and execute properly. I feel ashamed for not improving at all since I've been doing random 3D stuff for over a year.

Do you guys have any advice on how should I go on about this? I've been wanting to improve, but at the same time, I'm lost. Thanks!


  • aryarie
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    aryarie triangle
    Well if you could show us some of the stuff you've made so far maybe we can give you an idea of what to work on :)

    If you're interested in specifically improving your hand painted work, learning to paint will really help. I'm also trying to do this myself and I think sometimes you need to take some time away from 3D and focus on just painting.

    Here are the resources I've found useful so far:

    Hand Painted Primer
    Light & Dark
    PSG Art Tutorial
    3dmotive Hand painted tutorial by Tyson Murphy

    Ctrl+Paint is very beginner friendly and there's a lot of amazing content available for free so I'd definitely recommend starting there if you are very new to painting.
  • Zanmato
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    Zanmato polycounter lvl 6
    Oh, sorry I forgot to link my works but here it is : https://www.behance.net/romemartin these are mostly low poly works and have never even tried to hand paint. I was planning on getting Tyson Murphy's course, but missed the sale on Udemy so I'm gonna have to wait for it again (I'm on a budget right now so I can't buy the course at full price). Thank you!
  • aryarie
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    aryarie triangle
    Oh, I remember you from before :) (from when you posted your sculpted bricks). How did you get on with the Tobias Koepp course?

    But yeah, if you spend some time learning a bit more about painting it will definitely help with your texturing.

    I really like the style of the pirate wharf and the low poly ruins, btw :) 
  • Zanmato
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    Zanmato polycounter lvl 6
    I forgot that I even posted here way back haha. I haven't finished the course yet as I got stuck in a particular part that I can't seem to wrap my head around it, and eventually stopped working on it. I guess because I have no prior knowledge in Maya that left me in circles. 

    Thanks! Now that you've reminded me, I need to start again.
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