Hey everyone! I started modeling
Angel Huerta's Eri Hasu as my new project! I'll be working on her whenever I have free time, which I don't have a lot of, but I'm thinking I can finish her before the end of October. The plan is to first sculpt her and then make a low poly game character model, and possibly also animate her later! She's pretty asymmetrical which is a cool challenge as well.

Here's my progress on her so far:

I'm probably going to change her default expression to be less angry

I'm trying to get her to be as on-model as possible, so if anything seems odd, please let me know! Other comments & criticism is welcome as well.
RitualSynergY has also been working on the same character, so go check out his version too!
Things are looking super nice and clean right now too, and I'm looking forward to seeing that high poly all fleshed out! Good luck moving forward.
@dGreenberg I took your advice and tweaked the proportions a bit more, kept the legs the same length though. It does look better I think, thanks!
I'm working on the asymmetrical parts now. The tubes on the robotic leg kinda look like artificial muscles, so I tried to make them sorta anatomically correct looking
Anyhow, I started working on her hair, here's the progress so far. I'm totally out of my comfort zone here, shout outs to @RitualSynergY, I took a lot of inspiration from his approach to the hair:
I figured she does have two horns, but the other one is just cut off, Hellboy-style, as seen here:
Slowly, but surely....
The kanji on her armor is "hasu", obviously enough. It apparently means lotus
Some slow progress on this, I refined some parts, and blocked the belt. I'm quite happy with how it's coming along!
I also made her tanto sword, here's the hi-poly for that. Lattice tool in Maya is my new best friend for making hard surface parts less boring!
I'll probably work on the robo arm next, although it seems like a pretty daunting task, not quite in my comfort zone.
So I started modeling the robo hand. Figured rigging it first before modeling would be a smart idea, and here I just instanced some parts and parented them to the joints. Probably won't put that much detail into this since it's not the focus of the character really.
Robo hand progress, probably won't bother with too much detail on the inside, so I think I'll finish it tomorrow
Aaaand there we go, I think that's alright! I ended up remaking a bit of it using the robot arm from MGS5 as reference, since my own design was a little bit lame, but I kept my own fingers. (I'm not really a designer type guy
Robo-arm blocked, now I just need to refine and then it's low poly time! I still have to make her big sword and the healing robot sphere things, but I might get to those later on, right now I really just want to finish her!
I might make the arm a little bit thicker, it's looking kind of skeletal right now...
Onwards to 2018! (I was supposed to finish this by the end of october
Doing some lowpoly! I closed the eyes and opened the mouth a little bit, to make rigging easier