Hi THERE and i WELCOME you here, It has been along time since i uploaded my work here, i am really busy but i got some time to finish this one . I was quite fascinated by the game ALIEN ISOLATION so i decided to make it in Unreal engine 4.Hope you guys like it .I made modular assets with 2k maps with master materials , Really enjoyed making this one . Have learned so much about volumetric lights and flipbook materials havent used the flipbook in this one but soon be going to use them in my others projects. Every thing is a game ready model. Hope you guys like it ...
Amazing work. You really nailed the visual style of the game. One of my favorite games as far as environment detail and immersion. The only thing that takes me out of it are the traffic cones. They are a little over-sized and do not fit the sci-fi theme very well. I believe a more futuristic looking prop that was better proportioned would really send it over the top.
Gorgeous as fuck. As a sci-fi environment lover I really love what you did. However, just as reccomendation, I would tone down the bloom a bit, or make the fog less denser, currently it is way to eye-hurting, specially the last two pics.
thankyou so much for the apriciation Menchen i will keep your C&C and near future in my future project hopefully i will not repeat it .
Amazing work. You really nailed the visual style of the game. One of my favorite games as far as environment detail and immersion. The only thing that takes me out of it are the traffic cones. They are a little over-sized and do not fit the sci-fi theme very well. I believe a more futuristic looking prop that was better proportioned would really send it over the top.
Thanks episkee, brother the whole scene is based on one on one scale the height of the corridor is 6 foot 10 inch and for the hazard cone 2 foot 7 inch the reason i made the room smaller is to look more isolated and for the hazard cone they come indifferent sizes and shapes but thanks for your feed back .
Thanks episkee, brother the whole scene is based on one on one scale the height of the corridor is 6 foot 10 inch and for the hazard cone 2 foot 7 inch the reason i made the room smaller is to look more isolated and for the hazard cone they come indifferent sizes and shapes but thanks for your feed back .