A post apocalyptic sled. For nuclear winters!
My friends at Romantically Apocalyptic got wind that I just finished my university studies doing 3d, and have requested a cobbled together post apocalyptic sled;

Image courtesy of Vitaly S. Alexius - www.rom.ac
Now, the request was to make a realistic version, that has been cobbled together from random items. The construction should not require power-tools, so... nails and duct tape!
I did a blockout of a sled based on some reference images

Then started swapping out elements with random objects

Stop sign, back of a shopping cart, street cuff, and further random stuff. I coloured it in to get a better idea, as well as changed the pole on the stop sign... it just didn't sit well

I added in some more detail; some duct tape, added in a chain for the shopping cart handle to drive home the idea its a shopping cart, and added some wire "ends"

I tried my hand at making some organic looking elements, such as duct tape... needs a bit more refinement, but figured out a technique I enjoy, so getting a hang of this. I really wish I had zbrush at this point, but time and program constraints aside, this will have to do.

I also added a broom, because it needed a broom. Attached via tape yet again.

I am not looking forward to doing the Uvs...
Current status as of writing this post;

High poly is almost complete, and reworking elements to fit the low poly.
Will update once further progress is achieved.
Did the Uvs, Baking and texturing... due to the millions of little pieces and wanting for the bakes to work properly, I had to fall back to 2 texture sets, but everything is organised. Took me a lot longer than originally anticipated.
Anyways, here are some beauty shots - this is a slow process, and I plan to do the final shots in marmoset, where I will have a bit more controls over lighting etc.
I started with throwing on the main colours, and checking if the bake worked (it didn't - well not fully anyways.)
At this point I realised I was missing some nails holding the metal piece up on the left side.
I did some minor changes to the burlap colour, and made the crutch a bit darker / dirtier.
I've also put some lore friendly markings on the crutch.
Next step was to add some extra details onto the signs; I've added some height impacts where the nails would hit through the sign.
Ive added further details into the stop sign, to further drive home the post apocalyptic dangers via some claw marks on the stop sign. Also went and added further layers of dust and grime on the lower areas, as well as scratches where there would be scratches.
The next post will be with the finalised beauty shots through marmoset. I'll probably do them after I've done my other commissions, so probably in a week or so.
In the meantime any feedback is greatly appreciated!