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Tile Generator Combined Material

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OverHaul null
Is there a tile generator that tiles the combined result all at once such the color, normal, roughness, metal and any other map that you might be using. I need the color to be specific so I don't want to use a gradient map.

Thanks for taking time to read this :)


  • poopipe
    Offline / Send Message
    poopipe grand marshal polycounter
    No but you could make one easily 
  • OverHaul
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    OverHaul null
    Could you elaborate how, I cant imagine how that would be done? It doesn't seem easy to me, is there some trick to it?
  • poopipe
    Offline / Send Message
    poopipe grand marshal polycounter
    Put several tile generators  into a graph and hook them all up to the same set of input parameters.  That sort of stuff is fairly well documented on the Allegorithmic site 
  • OverHaul
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    OverHaul null
    Dang it, I was so hoping that wasn't the solution, I thought there might be a faster way than that like a tile generator of sorts that includes multiple different inputs and outputs like the base material node so I wouldn't have to set it up my own parameters for each control that I want, Setting up that many parameters seemed tedious to me.
    I guess if that's the only way to do it at a current time then might as well, Thanks man.
    I know one day Allegorithmic will make such a node.

  • poopipe
    Offline / Send Message
    poopipe grand marshal polycounter
    The material based nodes are made in exactly the same way.  Just take a look inside one.

    I expect a lot of this sort of thing will start to appear on share now that the automation toolkit is out and you can script graph creation. 
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