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Artstation Portfolio Critique

polycounter lvl 6
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visionarymindful polycounter lvl 6
Hey guys!
So I had this portfolio , both of 2D and 3D, made through the year (back in 2016) and I tried to post my best work or at least the work that shows that I've good enough skills. 
I would like to have some feedback on my work since all my work has been done in my own (without the help of any teacher or tutor) , so I can acknowledge if I'm not a beginner anymore or If I've enough skills. 
So here's the link for my portofolio :


I'm pretty open to C&C so don't hesitate to make a great critique. I want to see my mistakes but also what has been done nicely as well.

cheers  o:)


  • krishnacpatel
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    krishnacpatel polycounter lvl 2
     Hey man, you got some really nice stuff, I think you just need to work on more proportions and anatomy, for example I feel like the skulls https://www.artstation.com/artwork/vxDAa the mouth is abit to flat gives it a boxy feel, but its still a good attempt !! as a beginner I feel like you should work with reference as it will help you grasp what it will feel like in real like. For the female torsohttps://www.artstation.com/artwork/PndZL , the proportions and placements are good, the fat placement above the hips is well done too. the collar bone sticks out too far and the breasts are kinda hovering abit too, breasts are like sacks so they would sag over the rib cage. over all good attempts dude !! more anatomy studies and working with reference should help you out !! hope I helped :D:D 

    ys krishna :D 
    heres some of my stuff, a couple of comments on how to improve would be nice :D 
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