I would like to make a 3d game that can be exported as a .swf or html5 file. The websites I would like to export my game file only accept those kinds of uploads. Does anyone know of 100% game creating engines out there I can use? Please try to avoid pay-make game creators and game creators that I can upload to thier site. I am looking for completely free ones. Thank you for your time.
How do you mean "completely free" because i thought those two qualified.
Not sure if any engine can export a 3D game to swf or html5 alone. Seems unlikely to be honest, unless the file size is unbelievably huge.
I ask since they're talking about a website only accepting those file types; it likely wouldn't allow folders, etc.
You need to keep this directory structure intact (even when hosted online) so that the game source code can load the assets based on relative file paths.
The upload process to an online game publisher is supplying them with a zip of that folder structure. On their end, they'll take care of hosting the files and embedding your index file inside one of their own pages for serving your game to people.
- https://docs.unity3d.com/Manual/webgl-building.html
- https://www.blend4web.com/doc/en/project_manager.html#project-deploy
Maybe babylon.js or three.js might fit in here. Sorry it's not going to be easy..but well gamedev is hard.