I have been modeling quite a few models along the years, but i have never succeeded in unwrapping any of them.
Now I thought I had found the key to do so, but i have this specific object, that i can't get the peel tool to do the trick.
First I quick planar it, and then peel it. With this result:
Normally, the peel would fix the streched checker pattern, right? Relaxing it does not help either.
Can you please help me guys?
PS. I used the same method as this guy.
https://youtu.be/Z9wgKy-F1Rw?t=1h33m23s atleast I think
Thanks for your respons, unfortunatly it didnt Help. I tried different solutions but couldnt male it work. I solved it by modelling the same exact model again and this time the peel worked perfectly