Hi! I usually make hand painted environments and prop art, but I wanted to challenge myself and learn a new workflow in Zbrush. So I created my first character and she is going to tie in with my next environment piece. I still need to learn how to pose her and setup the final beauty shots. But before I move onto that, I wanted to get some feedback. She is a little over 8k polys. Let me know what you think! Thanks in advance!
This looks really nice, there's some good execution here, the textures are nice and clean, though i think the silver and blue don't really work well together, it also doesn't work as a good break up from the skin to the cloth at her chest. Proportionally she looks nice all the way until the front view.
I think this could really benefit from being re-presented, it looks like you've duplicated the character and rotated it around in the same scene and then taken a single screenshot, don't do that. The perspective is all fucked up on the front on view.
Make a dedicated lighting and camera setup for the full body shots, and another for portrait shots. Use different focal length cameras for them (do a quick search for portrait camera lenses and stuff to get an idea. 55mm and 80mm are good focal lengths to use.
good job with the posing! where do you see this character fitting into your environment? is she going to be in that pose, or do you have a different one planned for that?
@bounchfx Thanks! Posing her was a learning experience but I think I have the hang of it now. One idea I have is taking a screenshot of the environment (after it is finished) and putting that as the background in marmoset in one of her renders. It will probably be a new pose because I also want to create a weapon and pose her with it.
This looks really nice, there's some good execution here, the textures are nice and clean, though i think the silver and blue don't really work well together, it also doesn't work as a good break up from the skin to the cloth at her chest. Proportionally she looks nice all the way until the front view.
I think this could really benefit from being re-presented, it looks like you've duplicated the character and rotated it around in the same scene and then taken a single screenshot, don't do that. The perspective is all fucked up on the front on view.
Make a dedicated lighting and camera setup for the full body shots, and another for portrait shots. Use different focal length cameras for them (do a quick search for portrait camera lenses and stuff to get an idea. 55mm and 80mm are good focal lengths to use.
Diffuse only
8528 polys
2048 x 2048 map
Rendered in marmoset
See more images on my Artstation https://www.artstation.com/artwork/QqBqZ