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Single Channel Vertex Painting in Maya 2018

polycounter lvl 5
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Edvard polycounter lvl 5
I'm looking to find a way to paint in seperate RGBA channels on a mesh in Autodesk Maya 2018.

Currently under the vertex paint tools I can only paint under 'RGB' or 'RGBA' or 'A'. But I'm unable to select single channels except 'A'. Is there a workflow out there that would allow me to have control over seperate RGBA channels and where I can view the single channel I'm painting within?

Thanks :)


  • Edvard
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    Edvard polycounter lvl 5
    I've found a workflow that kind of works but messes up very slightly, you can create multiple color sets to paint rgb seperately and then duplicate the mesh to merge the colorsets with the channels option, that seems to work reasonably well.

    But there is no way to seperately control the rgba channels after that so I'll always have to duplicate the mesh and then merge the colorsets on the duplicate.

    There seems to be no single channel painting like in 3dsmax or like in this video of Modo

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