Hi, folks! I want to use SBSAR in Marmoset 3 to produce some effects with exposed parameters. But I find some strange artifacts when start using archive instead of usual Substance outputs. For some reason, hires image mask, which worked good and provide sharp letter's edges, appears very edgy with SBSAR. I even try 3ds max to be sure it is not Marmoset's problem. Also SD 5.5 and 6 was tested, parent and absolute inheritance methods, PNG, TGA and TIFF formats, but the same aliased result occurs. I have no idea where the problem is and what to try next. Maybe someone have a glue in the situation?
My simplified setup with one map for demonstration:
Closeup in Marmoset with 4K SBSAR even more jagged than 2K:
3ds max with blur and filtering all OFF:
This one is from full graph. I find Anisotropic_noise node is the only one that changes it's distribution pattern in SBSAR, so it is causing even more confusion for the comparison.