Hey guys,
I need to add Ivy foliage on my environment.
I tried Ivy generator ( Guruwave ) and it's very, very cool, but it's too heavy in polygon ( 250 000 poly for just one ivy part )
So just a question : Ivy generator can be used in Real time project ?
if yes, how to reduce the polycount ?
If no, what alternative you know to have a nice ivy effect ?
How you handle the bake ? the ivy generation is "chaotic", how do you adapte a simple geometry on this ? and how do you get back an alpha ? ( I can understand for the bake, but what about the alpha map ? )
If you have an example or youtube tutorial, link it please
You could also spit the ivy into smaller parts and bake them separately to get more precise result, or if you want many planes as low poly. But then I would rather try to make a few branches and use them in a modular way.
Try to think and plan out the best shapes that will allow you to have an efficient texture layout, while maximizing the variety of shapes you can create.
Personally I still like to work with Speedtree even when creating vines/ivy for all my high/low/texture baking needs. And then comp them together into a texture.