All is like the title says - Material Library takes 1 to 2 min for loading.
My PC is Win 7 x64, i5 2500, 8gb rab (dual speed), GTX 1060 (edit: not the ti) 6 GB.
As I have got from post of 2014 year old, this is not a normal situation.
What I did - reformat, fresh installed CC and Photoshop CC 2017.
But unlike that guy, it did not work out for me.
Please help, this is happening just few days from activation of DDO.
Also, I'm running Wi-Fi connection to the internet, not wired.
Thank You, looks like it got definitely faster, like down to 30 sec.
Could You have any other ideas, please, to bring it to the level of other users like "3-5 sec"?
At opening Smart Materials library, each Material is loaded individually. Time to load is like 0.5 sec per material.
To quote Synaesthesia , maybe this could help someone:
"it sounds like there's some kind of underlying trouble that might be resolved by simply uninstalling and then reinstalling to a new directory to clean out any potential registry issues that might be causing conflicts. If that doesn't help, running PS as admin once, closing it, and then running the Suite afterward may clear it up for you as well."
I'm open for suggestions, whatever crazy ideas, and also whatever smart ideas, and also basic ideas, and also anything other whatever ideas
Quixel Suite 2.3 DDO is a cool tool, I'm glad that got it and see no other alternatives for me personally.
Just, if it can be faster, why not to make it faster - because my PC is having some rare bug and run DDO strangely.
Regarding speed: It's definitely going to be faster. You'll see sometime soon.
Just thanks!