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Importing Max 2015 UI into Max 2018 UI issues (Quads and Menus issue)

polycounter lvl 8
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instg8r polycounter lvl 8
So yes, finally getting around to setting up 2018, bringing all my shortcuts over, etc. Everything seems to be working great except for the Quad and Menu tabs. They used the same .MNUX file, but since 2015 didn't have the "File" button in the menu (it had the icon with all the save, export, etc. functions), when I import my 2015 shortcuts, it removes the "File" button since there wasn't one in 2015. 

I've made quite a few modifications to my Quad menu and would prefer to not set them all up manually again. I thought that resetting the UI on ONLY the Menus tab would solve my problem (it did bring back the "File" button), but it also reset my Quad tab settings, removing my shortcuts for the quads that I had set up.

I also tried saving out specific .MNUX files for the Quads and Menus, but it seems that whatever one you load, both take it.

Does anyone have a fix or work-around for this? Any help is much appreciated! Thanks!


  • Revel
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    Revel interpolator
    I've customized my Max quite a lot too but menu entries and quad are the one that I had to redo each Max upgrade since different version might have different entries. Mine heavily depends on shortcut key so I keep both menu and quad minimal and can just re-set those about less then an hour (keep a screengrab of the entries, so you don't need to think what what's what anymore).

    You *might* be able to manually merge in the file by checking the difference between two .mnux file by using this for example, but I've never done this myself..
  • spacefrog
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    spacefrog polycounter lvl 15
    Never ever merge/load old Max mnux files or cuix files directly into newer Max versions. This is a main entry point for instability and at least loose of functionality. The menu parsing algo can get Max to crash when there  is something illogical ( eg. circular loop: submenu containing it's parent menu ) in the mnux file.
    You can merge kbdx files ( keyboard shortcuts)  though.
    For the mnux filesm, the thing i do is keep all my custom menu entries in my own created parent menu, after that it's pretty straight forward to use a text editor and copy&paste my custom menu XML nodes ( mnux are xml ) into a copy of the new Max versions default mnux file. I even don't use a thing like diff, as this complicates the matter only IMHO. This new modified  file i then load manually via the customization dialog and exit and restart Max. Then it has become the new default menu right after startup
  • Revel
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    Revel interpolator
    Haha, there you go, as what @spacefrog said, don't do the manual merging  :*
    I never messed up with the .mnux as it seems more troublesome then re-creating the menu + quad for my case, but .kbdx yeah I zero-ed out everything and added my custom hotkey replacing everything default.
  • instg8r
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    instg8r polycounter lvl 8
    Thanks guys! Yeah, I just ended up re-inputting my quad tools in manually...Wasn't as big of a deal as I thought it was going to be. :) I also didn't know how MUCH stuff was tied to the .MNUX files (even viewport stuff)...Thank you for all the infos and help!
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