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Demon Sculpt - WIP

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jose.fuentes interpolator
Hey guys

Im currently working on a character for Jason martins class over at gameart institute.  Currently trying to wrap up my high poly and then move over to start retopo'ing soon. Currently this is all in zbrush, the clothing was done in MD.  My goal is to aim for 100K polys, and a cinematic quality character.  Any C & C are always welcome!


  • Sunray
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    Sunray polycounter lvl 9
    Looking really nice man although I can't stop my self from seeing a heart in the front view which is putting me off. And the arms look to breakable in my opinion. I think it would help a lot to search up anorexic male and use it as a reference. The torso also has a pretty shapeless silhouette which is the same size as the top of the cloth what makes it kinda look like a tube. Might be nice to give him a little bit smaller of waist to make the cloth a bit wider on the top. For the rest, he is looking really good excited to see more! 
  • carvuliero
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    carvuliero hero character
    Before you do that my suggestion is to fix your anatomy and maybe re-think some of design choices (for example he has manboobs and potbelly but his ribs are popping out , he has serratus anterior bun not external oblique or intercostalis muscle, for some reason his ribs are visible only in front )

  • jose.fuentes
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    jose.fuentes interpolator
    thanks for the feedback guys
    I'll address the anatomy issues next time i sit down 
  • jose.fuentes
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    jose.fuentes interpolator
    reworked the ribs, added some weight to the horns, widened the inner gap of the rib cage, reworked some of the flow in the back 

  • adrxzero
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    adrxzero polycount sponsor
    Looking pretty metal! Good work Jose
  • jose.fuentes
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    jose.fuentes interpolator
    Thanks @adrxzero been having a blast making this!
  • lotet
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    lotet hero character
    Really cool design, I think you could make the lower body taller though, make him imposing! 
  • jose.fuentes
  • jose.fuentes
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    jose.fuentes interpolator
    I have spent the last week retopo'ing 

    About 90% done, I need to finish a couple more pieces on the belt.  Currently around 55K triangles, my budget was arond 100K, so i still have some room.  I will more than likely add some loops to the horns and some to the upper Jaws.  The belt buckles with all the faces have taken a bit to retopo, and those teeth.... so many teeth 

    I have also started working on some color concepts.  I imagine this guy to have a very desaturated color palette.  Im leaning towards 1 and 2 right now.  Though I will def do some more concepts this week.

  • Sunray
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    Sunray polycounter lvl 9
    2 looks really nice!
  • jose.fuentes
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    jose.fuentes interpolator

    First pass on texture bakes, done in substance 
  • sstoev
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    sstoev polycounter lvl 2
    Hey pal looking good so far, keep up the good work ... For the colour palette, I would say 6 cause the red ads some saturation to the concept and makes it more visually interesting ... Others are too monochromatic, but this is just my opinion after all :D
  • Sunray
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    Sunray polycounter lvl 9
    Don't go into texturing yet! that bake looks awful there are artifacts everywhere. To get a proper bake use these 2 methods 1: explode your mesh this is the method of separating meshes and baking the bakes later on in photoshop. as example bake your body separate from the belt and the shoulder stuff. This will help making the baking easier since there is less intersection. If you can try to get no intersection at all. another example bake the teeth apart from the mouth. 2: use a cage! by using a cage you will prevent projection problems like you have at the armpits. You want your cage zo close as possible to your hp. It should just cover it a little bit. A good way to make a cage is to bring your lp in zbrush and inflate the whole mesh. After that you go search for places where your hp is still coming through your cage. Once you found those just use the inflate brush to fix that area. I personally dislike baking with substance painter I feel like it makes me rush into texturing and not paying as much attention to the bake as I should. Ilike to use knald for baking it has a lot of great features and looks nice. It's the least frustrating baking software I've used so far. 
  • Sunray
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    Sunray polycounter lvl 9
    Also why are there holes in the plates the plates should be one solid mesh. You could add the rings and the lion on another mesh tho. But don't make them awkwardly float above the rest.
  • jose.fuentes
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    jose.fuentes interpolator
    @sunray thanks for the notes, i agree with the bleeding and ill explore other baking.  I'm familiar with exploding meshes, ill give that a shot 

  • jose.fuentes
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    jose.fuentes interpolator
    I still havent cleaned up my bakes.  I've been experimenting with exploding my mesh.  Also going to try to bake in something other than substance.  First pass at some textures.  I really needed the break from looking at him in the clay render.  
  • jose.fuentes
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    jose.fuentes interpolator
    Thanks @Optimus

    if you scroll up a bit theres some renders where he has a "skirt" i duno what else to call it, but yeah its there, just havent put it on yet.  He has no eyes though,  dude's gonna stay eyeless, thats just his style. lol
  • jose.fuentes
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    jose.fuentes interpolator
    This is what i turned in for the class.  I call this guy about 80% done.  Now that the class is done I'm going to take a couple steps back and add more loops in to get rid of some faceting, and take some time to figure out whats up with some of the bake errors which while not many left, the ones that are there bug me a lot.  This is also first pass on the textures.  Overall i think everything is a bit too bumpy, so I'm going to tone down all of that, but a bit of progress for sure

  • jose.fuentes
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    jose.fuentes interpolator
    and heres the updated sketchfab, turn on HD for full res textures 

  • jose.fuentes
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    jose.fuentes interpolator
    and some details of the armor 

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