The first one feels weird. Why is the rain going through the stairs? Why is there so much fog inside, why is it blue? The railing comes off as hyper repetitive and very flat.
The second one is perfect, awesome awesome awesome lighting.
Yeah awesome lighting inn that second one, nice assets too. Second one is nice too the rails just really throw it off for me, connecting them to the ones that go up the steps could help a lot.
Yeah, the first one is not that well executed. I should have put more time aside to it. The railing diden´t end up being that great, and was a pain to make.
This is the newest environment that i am working on. I still have 2 weeks left to use on it. I am currently updating the hole in the roof and the edge dirt around the sides of the walls. After that i will add foliage. Any feedback would as always be awesome, the same goes for things that could make it more awesome.
Yeah i am going to add alot more dirt. I do have a ref but i do not want to take to much inspiration from it. I only used it for the main structural things. Walls windows things like that.
The second one is perfect, awesome awesome awesome lighting.
Thanks alot!
The lighting is spot-on