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My First Character - Summer Project

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VibeTakara null

The first character i would like to present to you all, is myself. 

I'de be lying if i said it didn't get a little dull staring at your own doofy face everyday,But as funny as it may sound, you learn alot about yourself. The task i set for myself was to make myself as a Game character,But what would you be? we as people like many things,we have many layers,so to set yourself as a particular thing in a world like a Knight for example, to me, proved difficult at first. so, i prototyped and explored alot. i asked anyone i could what they could see me as in a video game.Surprisingly, alot of people said a shady Rogue. (How Dare You). and others said a magic user of some sort, but in the end i realised. those layers we all have as people, can be applied to a character.Its just how closely you look at the different aspects of yourself, and then personify them within your characters design.

I made a basemesh from scratch, and then took many pictures of my face from differant angles which i could then eyeball while sculpting.

SO.For my first concept for myself,i tried to incorporate some of the stuff  i tend to like in male characters, over exaggerated coats,large Tech armour, etc. and designing a mix up of a Parka and a Leather Jacket;Two items i wear often.But, i realised im rather small, so having humongous armour wouldn't suit me too well, personally, or from a design point.  so i then decided to redesign my outfit into something more sleekand lightweight.while maintaining the aspects i enjoyed. 

And currently,This is my progress so far!

 Every part of the model was Made in Zbrush, with some tiny little tweaks in Maya most recently.

 i still have quite a a few things left to add, which include:

New Shoulder Armor
Armor Details
A Helmet
A Companion

I do plan on Texturing this at a later Date once the models out of the way.and at an even later Date, possible rigging!

About 70% of the model is nice and low poly atm, with a few tiny bits of retopo needed.

This character (myself) is the first in a series of characters Self Entitled; VIBE. Each character will be dedicated to someone i hold dearly. I chose to design myself first to prove a point to myself that im capable of as much as i allow myself to be.

From now on,my goal is for  the characters that follow after this, to be alot more simple, but much more effective.Which means after this project i will be able to sculpt Fresh weird wacky and wonderful characters straight from my noggin on a  near weekly basis.They will be much more Vivid,creative,and alot more Likened to a toy aesthetic.

I've learnt a considerable amount about the workflow of Creating a Game character, its been an absolute pleasure so far to have learnt so much, And i cannot wait to progress further!

Further updates on my progress on this character Soon!


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