Hi, my question is: How does one make realistic, engine ready, beards for a game character? Something like geralt's beard from witcher 3 i also heard of xgen, but i use 3ds max, not maya.
For some games this generation, I believe they're using proprietary tech. Like hairworks or tressfx, which allows for dynamic hair simulation (but at a cost of frame rate).
If you don't got that luxury, then I imagine it's the alpha cards/shell method.
Actual hair that looks "realistic" is a matter of accurate material and good lighting. The above example is from last gen, so check out this hair breakdown from Uncharted 4 for PBR. The Naughty Dog guys are very on point. https://www.artstation.com/artwork/JOY4A
If you don't got that luxury, then I imagine it's the alpha cards/shell method.
Actual hair that looks "realistic" is a matter of accurate material and good lighting. The above example is from last gen, so check out this hair breakdown from Uncharted 4 for PBR. The Naughty Dog guys are very on point.
Thank so much!:D