So I've been trying to learn Maya recently. I'm using the 2017 student version (It's not a cracked or hacked version or anything.) I'm using Win 10 on an Acer Predator 15.
Anyways I've had so many problems with Maya installing, crashing, running real slowly, pausing, etc.
So it crashes on me like probably 3-5 times a day. Crazy I know. Anyways I just keep saving every couple seconds and restarting after crashes since I really need to learn Maya. But this time after it crashed it did this really crazy thing where it destroyed a whole bunch of the geometry.
here is approximately how it was before.
This is how it looks when I open up the file now. As you can see it completely just destroyed all the geometry.
So what's going on? Why is Maya so buggy? The first time I tried to download Maya I couldn't even get it to install. Now I got it to work on another computer but it has all these problems. I've never had a program give me so many problems.
I'm not using autosave. I'm deleting history fairly often.
I'm using an addon called crease + for creasing, booleans, etc. I delete history after each boolean operation though. It crashed a ton before I installed the addon though so I doubt it's the script. I'm also usually modeling with mirror x and sometimes mirroring geometry using the mirror tool (It hasn't crashed on any of those operations specifically though)
So if I remember correctly it crashed once when I imported an fbx object of a screw and then undid the operation. It crashed once when as I was trying to scale everything up a little bit it was super slow so I pressed undo and then it crashed. It's crashed on multi cut a couple times. Periodically without even doing anything it crashes with an error message that says something like "can't save to tmp." (looked that one up and have tried a couple of the fixes but to no avail) Sometimes it just freezes and I have to force the program to close.
I realized that the geometry will only go wack if I press 3 for the smooth preview. Looking it up most say it's a graphics card driver issue. It's weird cause I don't have any problems whatsoever with the driver for any other programs that I use and I also checked a new version just to make sure.
So the maya file is pretty much unusable, takes like 3 minutes to load and freezes if you try doing anything. I was able to reimport the model as an .obj and that seemed to solve my problem for a little while till it crashed again on another multi cut operation with mirror x enabled. It reloaded fine though and it hasn't messed up the geometry since.
I don't know Maya has always just seemed glitchy for me. On one of my older computers a few years ago I had tried downloading Maya and ran into all kinds of problems with installing. It's what has kept me from really learning the program up till now cause it always seemed to fail when I tried to install it, this is a newer computer though so I decided to take another stab at it. Maya installed fine on this computer but for some reason 3ds max continues to fail on the install (haven't really spent much time trying to get 3ds max to work yet though, might just be a simple fix)
Wires below.
You'll see I use a lot ngons and then use multi cut to connect things.
I also use a lot of n-gons and multi-cut while working, your mesh looks more or less sane just from the screencaps. I was half expecting to see some serious nightmarish geometry. Also, 2017 seemed like a mess of a release, I never used that version, so that could even be part of your problem. Something I would suggest is using mesh>Cleanup and check for lamina + non-manifold, that's an easy go to when things go south.
Moreso, I'm curious what's up with the installation issues and what's going on with your OS or other software that this is a problem. Not accusing you here, but 8 times out of 10, someone with huge stability problems usually has some serious fuckery going on, like running 7 AV apps or the flipside and loaded with spyware, or running some "super cool" dipshit program they found on a warez site that changes the color of their cursor every 2 seconds.