Is it possible to use a masked fill layer as an anchor point for use as a detail map in a generator?
I don't see this referenced in the documentation. The tutorial videos show paint layers but never explicitly state that you can't use a fill layer.
It seems if I create the anchor point from the fill layer, the generator's read the value of the fill layer without the mask. If I create the anchor point from the mask, the generators read only the alpha of the mask but not the contents of the fill layer.
I've several ways to no avail. Substance Painter won't allow adding an anchor point to a group, so grouping the fill layer doesn't work. I created a new paint layer set to pass through (and tried various other blending modes) above the fill layer, still nothing.
Any suggestions? Thank you!
I assumed setting the basecolor to Passthrough = Profit but it didn't
So thanks for helping me realise my mistake lol