When you zoom in to my handpainted textures, you can see clear brush strokes and the whole painting starts to look very muddy.
Problems I am having are just general art skills. My hands are not steady enough to draw confident lines. I still want to preserve the handpainted texture look but it just comes out looking amateurish when the paint strokes are super obvious.
The time I take on each texture is around 1 hour and but if I refine the edges it could take me up to 3.
Are there any ways of solving this other than spending time to refine every single edge?
Also, can I get some general painted texture advice?
Thank you
Also splash in off hues subtly to add more body to your textures. Like your grass is all green. NEeds blues, reds, etc. in a SUBTLE application.
Practice using less brush strokes until you gain the confidence. If you need to create one big brush stroke and come back in with a smaller brush and erase to clean it up.... go for it... or just undo a billion times until you get the one brush stroke you like. Eventually you'll undo less frequently.
These are nice textures, I can tell what they're supposed to be. Just keep practicing!