This is my first environment project that I made for my portfolo. It took me 4 days and it contains 22 models. I still feel like it's too empty, but I didn't had much time since I also made this for a job application. I'd be glad if you could give me some critics about it. Thank you in advance.
ps: Sorry for the basic UE gun, I'm still new to it.
I think it's good, but the lighting needs more contrast (light isn't allowing shadowed corners, for example). It also looks extremely tidy. You need some props to tell a story and make it feel lived in.
I'd say you have a strong basic foundation but would love to see something a little extra to make the envon look a little more interesting. It's very gray, I think it could benefit from having some brightly coloured pieces (perhaps warning signs etc). Ideally you would be telling a story. Is it an abandoned warehouse? is it used to smuggle weapons? what is its story.
you've made one big decision thats absolutely core to the design of this scene : the roof is broken
That's major. Why is it broken? Is it natural delapidation? Earthquake? Vandalism? Has the dark lord cthulu sneezed upon it? The answer to that and the effect it *should have on the rest of the interior is absolutely key to this scene being convincing. I wouldn't do anything else before ticking that box.
Maybe I'm being cynical, but an environment in 4 days and already applying for a job seems dearthly fast?
That's how it goes though. You see a job you want and nothing in your portfolio quite fits. Yesterday I made a scene in 5 hours, made it in the companies style and put their branding all over it "curated for..."
Not too many people go through the effort of custom making something their portfolio, a technique that's paid off for me in the past.
Thank you all for the critics! I'll try to keep in mind to try and tell a story with me scene. My other big issue is I keep abadoning projects after I'm half way done, so I've never reach the finished stage. But your words helps a lot and makes me keep going! I'll keep this thread updated so I can show off the changes!
I'd love to see some green. Maybe ivy hanging from the open roof. Also, since there is no roof, maybe a few puddles. As it sits, it looks pretty good! It would be a good scene where you're in the start of a game and your eyes get used to the grey, but when the warehouse doors open, you're in a jungle and your eyes are flooded with colour. That'd make for a powerful moment.
That's said, the fundamentals are good.
That's major. Why is it broken? Is it natural delapidation? Earthquake? Vandalism? Has the dark lord cthulu sneezed upon it? The answer to that and the effect it *should have on the rest of the interior is absolutely key to this scene being convincing. I wouldn't do anything else before ticking that box.
Not too many people go through the effort of custom making something their portfolio, a technique that's paid off for me in the past.
I'll keep this thread updated so I can show off the changes!