My question is about seams. As of my underestanding if you are going to texture in a 3d program then you just need unwraped UVs even if they are divided in 1000 islands it doesn't matter.
Is it true? I see some people still care about seams even if they are texturing in a 3d program.
Because i want to split a human's body UVs in half and use the 2nd UV patch for more resolution.
It does matter because you are creating extra vertices.
Seams can also appear along UV cuts from mip mapping the textures.
Btw i'm not working for a game
Whats the application of the mesh?
Also clean UVs is better when you want to texuture because you can fill UV patch etc... it's like topoly, might work if it's not great but the more clean it is the better
(I know u can unwrap seams automatically in many programs but just in case u want to cut them manually or change something.
Why cleaner is better?
For offline renders like yours, you can get away with automatic uvs, but the wasted space still stands. But with UDIM, that's not as big of an issue. It's still worthwhile to learn how to do uv unwraps properly.
But that's a completely different style of creating textures to games. You should probably ask these questions on forums like CGtalk or Polycount is a games forum.