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Kalashnikov PL-14 Prototype - Fusion 360

polycounter lvl 6
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Kobalt Kiwii polycounter lvl 6
I've been wanting to get into Fusion 360 for a while and love the design of the PL-14/PL-15. 

I'm completely new to Fusion 360 so there are a lot of things that are wrong at the moment because I'm not sure what process or order of operations to do to achieve what I want. Order of operations seems really important in Fusion.

This is it so far:



  • Kobalt Kiwii
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    Kobalt Kiwii polycounter lvl 6
    Bit of an update, still missing lots of small elements.

    Finding a couple of forms difficult to create in fusion, for example:

  • Kobalt Kiwii
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    Kobalt Kiwii polycounter lvl 6
    Bit of an update, I think the high poly is near finished, need to take everything through zbrush and start the retop pipeline but almost there :)

  • MaxHoek
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    MaxHoek polycounter lvl 10
    really like it so far! I am also interested in fusion, I think its pretty much underrated also for game art from what I`ve seen so far. 
    Currently I am also learning it, but I am more or less a nooby :p Do you have some tips for me?
    How do you get your lowpolys?
    Did you fillet every edge in fusion for a good normal map bake, or you just fillet big edges and the rest in zbrush? 

    I dont know from where I maybe get this "best practices" if there are already some. Currently I am mostly testing be my own
  • Kobalt Kiwii
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    Kobalt Kiwii polycounter lvl 6
    Got everything through dynamesh+polish and ready to retop :)

    @MaxHoek  I really like the modelling workflow buuut I have to say, speed wise I'm not sure if its going to fit into my professional work. The main reason for that is that you basically have to completely remodel it for the low poly.

    I didn't fillet every edge because i was sending it through zbrush anyway, (so, similar to the boolean dynamesh technique) I left the edges which i wanted to be the smallest unfilleted. If that makes sense.

    The main thing to me about fusion is that you need to think about your order of operations so if you cant get an operation to work try it earlier or later in the timeline :)

  • Amsterdam Hilton Hotel
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    Amsterdam Hilton Hotel insane polycounter
    Really nice results. I don't know Fusion at all but interest in it seems to be building lately. Would be awesome to see what your workflow for this looks like
  • Kobalt Kiwii
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    Kobalt Kiwii polycounter lvl 6
    @Amsterdam Hilton Hotel  Thanks very much dude :) yea I think for our stuff its going to be a great tool to learn, as I said i still have some things to speed up with it but this is my first project so we shall see. I'll try and put together a breakdown of how I modeled it next week sometime :) 

  • MaxHoek
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    MaxHoek polycounter lvl 10
    Great work, looks nice! 
    That would be awesome to see! I know what you are talking about, I think its a matter of when you do which operation. Its kind of an optimization process which needs to find out over time. And yes remodeling is something to keep in mind, timewise. But studios like Bungie also remodel most of there weapons completly.
    They do every boolean, linework or other things that could be better and quicker (currently in my point of view) in Fusion, still with ZBrush

  • Kobalt Kiwii
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    Kobalt Kiwii polycounter lvl 6
    Oh nice! thanks for sharing, haven't seen that yet. Not going to lie I'm not so keen on the weapons that i've seen for Destiny 2 I really love the Omolon weapons and some of the more tangible, real-feeling stuff though, the rat-king though :D. Also I'm really not keen on zbrush for hardsurface, apart from the dynamesh/polish, maybe i'll be converted, but i doubt it right now.

    Anyway, I think i'm going to try and put together a break down of the high poly modelling for the PL-14 tomorrow night instead of working on the low poly haha
  • Kobalt Kiwii
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    Kobalt Kiwii polycounter lvl 6
    So I'm not really sure how best to write this up but i'll give it a go and if you have questions feel free to ask. If you want me to show the actual process of drawing out the sketches (splines like illustrator) then I can but i kinda skipped that stuff and went for high level processes.

    Firstly I started modelling a 9mm Parabellum by creating a sketch and drawing a 9.96mm circle at the origin and extruding it out the 19.15mm. I created a sketch on the side plane which was the shape of the indent and used revolve around the axis to cut that shape into it. The chamfer tool allows you to do a chamfer based on two different distances so for the taper of the casing i used this to get it right. Then created a sketch on the front end of the casing made a circle of the right size and extruded inwards. From there I made a sketch on the side plane using splines i created roughly the right shape for the bullet itself and then used revolve again, this time choosing "New Body" in the options.

    Now I had the Bullet I could make the barrel, simply put its just more sketches and extrudes. I try to think in the way it would actually be created so pretty much all of my operations are subtractive, only using additive if i go wrong somewhere.

    The Slide was much more complex obviously so I imported the bullet and the barrel into the slide scene as components (uneditable reference of a different file within the scene) I tried to keep all my components in different scenes and use the component system (not sure if thats worth it because you need to "get latest" when ever you change something move between them). I added a canvas (ref image) and then gave my self a cuboid of material to start machining. all of the early operations were simply sketches and cut-extrudes with the exceptiion of the rear angle which i created with a chamfer operation.

    For the frame it was very similar, create a blank of the rough shape and start machining.

    The main thing I had a problem with on this was the area around the mag release, there is quite a cool shape in the PL-14 but i couldn't work out how to re-create it in fusion, this is a gif of the order of operations to achieve what I think is kinda close enough (but still really bugs me).

    These are some of the other operations I used, They're pretty self explanatory but let me know if you want any more detail. 

    Combine- Cut (Boolean):
    Create sketch, extrude to new body, combine with cut option selected.

    Loft Splines to form:
    Create two or more sketch lines and in the "Form" mode you can loft between the sketch lines to create a form which you can then use to split the body.

    Loft Splines to cut:
    Simply make a sketch, use the move/copy command to copy the sketch and place it where you want the end point to be and loft between them with the cut option selected.

    All in all the processes are quite intuitive I think but they're different to pulling vertices around endlessly. I'm really enjoying it :)

  • Jedairusz
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    Jedairusz polycounter lvl 14
    Thanks for sharing! It looks very intuitive. I should try Fusion360! Good luck with low-poly and baking! :)
  • MaxHoek
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    MaxHoek polycounter lvl 10
    Great explanation, thanks for sharing that to us. So do you think fusion could fit into a game asset pipeline, or will be the retopo part too time consuming? Your opinion would be interesting for me :blush:
  • Kobalt Kiwii
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    Kobalt Kiwii polycounter lvl 6
    I definitely think it fits in! Its just whether I want to use it myself :) need to weigh up the positives and negatives.
  • Kobalt Kiwii
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    Kobalt Kiwii polycounter lvl 6
    It's finally baked -_- took long enough to get round to it. Will hopefully be moving on to texturing quicker.
  • cromadbomber
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    cromadbomber polycounter lvl 11
    Looking very nice man! I was just wondering what is the retopo approach for these fusion models?
  • Ged
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    Ged interpolator
    nice bake, Ive always wondered if theres some quicker way than subd in maya for hardsurface stuff, fusion360 looks like it could be interesting .
  • Kobalt Kiwii
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    Kobalt Kiwii polycounter lvl 6
    Cheers guys! Retop-wise it was pretty much just strip model all dat shizzzz :) made me feel character artist's pain because of having to go over everything again and re-model it. Wasn't too bad though! Recommend looking into Fusion, its a different style of modelling but I'm really enjoying it!
  • cromadbomber
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    cromadbomber polycounter lvl 11
    Approximately how much hours you spent modeling this in Fusion and how much in retopo? I understand Fusion is alot faster than traditional modeling, but is there a trade-off in time when doing retopo stuff?
  • Kobalt Kiwii
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    Kobalt Kiwii polycounter lvl 6
    Making some progress texturing but I lost a bunch of this when my substance file corrupted -_-

  • Kobalt Kiwii
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    Kobalt Kiwii polycounter lvl 6

    Worked on some FPS Animations for the PL-14 rendered in Marmoset 3, waiting on some fixes before I can put this marmoset viewer animation up and going to start working on some static renders :)
  • MaxHoek
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    MaxHoek polycounter lvl 10
    great work! I really enjoy it :) 
  • sacboi
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    sacboi veteran polycounter
    Very good modelling, come to think of it can't say I've seen that much CAD stuff on this board so your project makes for a nice change of pace also just wondering if you're able to access the app offline?
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