Hello, I am starting a project to learn how to design as well as model and make a good hand painted character.
I drew a barbarian girl a while back and wanted to redesign her before moving onto 3d.
Here is the WIP tumbnails I have for tonight. Any feedback would be awesome. Style is going to be hand painted similar to world of warcraft.

An update on the design. I started to like the more dragon feel so i tried to incorporate them but keep the details at a minimum, but still want that wow feel and explore different types of materials. Will be blocking in her base soon, but design can be changed as I go so CC is super welcomed.

Will follow to see what you do with it
I prefer #1 but that is because I like it with a stronger design that isn't covered up by as many details one can throw at it.
Details are easy to do, but I'm finding that getting good strong simpler shapes are harder