Hello Everyone,
Over the past three weeks I've started the adventure of learning 3D modelling using 3ds Max 2018.
For my first asset I'll be taking from start to finish, I decided to make a simple metal barrel; with which I've had a huge amount of difficulty producing a clean normal map bake. I've tried a number of methods, but have been unable to find a workflow which I am able to comprehend and put into practice to achieve clean results.
For the images below, I have done the following:
3ds Max:- Produced a low poly version of the Barrel
- Assigned a smoothing group for each planned UV shell (Changing smoothing group with each planned UV seam)
- Performed a UV unwrap
- Broken down the low poly into separate objects (Each with the _Low suffix) within a common group "Barrel_Low"
- Duplicated the Low poly into it's own respective object and group "Barrel_High", applying a turbo smooth and renaming each of the meshes within the group with the suffix "_High")
- Exported the Low poly and high poly models as .obj files
Substance Painter 2.4
- Created a new file, using the Low poly "Barrel_Low"
- Selected "Bake textures", and on each attempt trying various values for Dialation width, Max frontal distance, Max rear distance.
- Consistently selecting "Match by mesh name"
- Bake!
Below are images of my low poly and high poly models, followed by the resulting issues. If anyone is willing, I'll be happy to provide the files for you to take a look at the models for yourselves. Any assistance or detailed breakdowns of a suggested workflow is profoundly appreciated!
I've almost driven myself mad trying to get the results I'm after, spending all my free time outside of my job troubleshooting and trying my best to learn.
Thanks and kind regards to you all!
My Low poly:
My High poly:
The resulting issues in the normal map (Substance Painter 2):

Also you'll probably have better luck if your low poly is a single watertight mesh