So yeah. I want unlimited instances of material dependent surface damage plastered over my level at runtime and I want it to be free(ish)
This probably rules out traditional polygon decals (unless there's a magic buffer someone knows about? ) so my thoughts turn to ways of passing damage location information to shaders and doing something clever there.
I guess what I'm going for is some sort of damage volume voxel/3d texture - similar to mesh distance fields or a wind map. . Does anyone know of an example of this sort of thing that's been built or even a built in system I could piggyback?
What I really want is to be able to generate a mask at runtime and then query it.
Part of the reason I don't want to use individual decals is that I want the marks created to be permanent and additive - Eg. You scratch a surface and then scratch it again and again to reveal more of the underlying structure. I can't imagine it'd take long to start seeing issues with decal actors or any other method that relies on blending - also iirc decal actors disappear after a while..
One of the perks of having a tame proper programmer is that these things are doable