Just restarted my creation (following the zclassroom lessons) as I was not happy with what happened with the mouth, now I am at the mouth again and it isn't working again, it just becomes these sharp shapes, same with the eyes, doing the smaller parts make the polygons go mental but when I see what is happening in the zclassroom video, the guy is having no problem and all, what am I doing wrong here or missing?
Zbrush doesn't do any smoothing between its vertex normals. Other 3d programs tend to average these out based on a tolerance angle or manually defined user normals (hard edges, smoothing groups, disconnected polygons, etc) in order to create a smoother appearance, but zbrush keeps the mesh flat shaded (example of what I mean), making the model appear more faceted and planar since you can distinguish every polygon. As a result, a model only looks smooth inside of zbrush when it has so many polygons that they become so tiny that you can't even notice this effect anymore.
There are two primary ways of increasing your polygon count while sculpting inside zbrush, depending on your workflow. Both are found under Tool: Geometry.
If you're using this method, you can just sculpt out the face until it gets faceted, subdivide once, and continue sculpting. Rinse and repeat.
If you're using this method then just ctrl+drag in order to update dynamesh whenever faceting appears. If it doesn't have enough polygons for what you want, increase the resolution and update again.
Personally I like using a combination of the two. I like using dynamesh as a basemesh creation tool, but it's not something I'd typically keep on the whole way through a sculpt. As soon as I have the main forms established I'll turn it off, and from there I'll either treat the result as the first stage of a subdivision mesh, or (more often) I'll use Tool: Geometry: Remesh and use the result of that as the base level.
I downloaded the trial version about 5 days ago, guessing 4r8 is the licensed version?
I have watched the first two videos over and over just trying to get the face correct, but somehow missed the ctrl + d/dynamesh, still don't see it but oh my god, thank you, I have been stuck on the finer details for days and days.
I pick the Dynamesh128 ball at the start, but that is the only dynamesh thing in the video I saw.
Pretty much fixed everything and added a ton of details in about 20minutes, it is insane how easy it is now that I have so much to work with, only issue is that when I try to smooth something, it doesn't seem to work at all or rather I can't smooth anything that is an indent, wondering if there is a way to go back with ctrl+ D then forward again?
I have had this before, but end up closing and restarting as I don't now how to stop this, shfit + f made me zoom into a point I couldn't zoom out of or something also, any ideas what I did wrong?
If you have subdivision levels, there should be a slider under Tool: Geoemtry that you can use to step up and down them (D and Shift+D can be used as shortcuts for this).
Note: If you hit D without subdivision levels then it will turn on dynamic subdivision, which is basically just a preview and not the same.
Sounds like you've left edit mode. Clear the document (ctrl+n), draw the 3d model out once, and then click the Edit button (t) to continue sculpting.
Learning the difference between the 3d model (tool) and the 2d document and why edit mode is used in the first place should be the first thing any zbrush tutorial starts with, but often everyone (tutors included) just jump right into the sculpting and so new users get pretty confused when it comes to this fundamental aspect of the program's interface.
I pick the Dynamesh128 ball at the start, but that is the only dynamesh thing in the video I saw.
Pretty much fixed everything and added a ton of details in about 20minutes, it is insane how easy it is now that I have so much to work with, only issue is that when I try to smooth something, it doesn't seem to work at all or rather I can't smooth anything that is any more than a slight indent, any ideas? wondering if you can go back with Ctrl+D in some way and then forwards again?