By default UE4 snaps every 10cm when using the basic move tool. Is there anyway to make 3DSMAX behave this way as well, without the need of generating a lot of custom grids - ideally it wouldn't even act as the current snap settings behave, rather it would clamp all movement to a minimum of 10cm?
Currently I've just been using boxes of the sizes I need and snapping to those, hardly ideal!
if you want to have this in perspective view something like this might help you
Worst case scenario, make a big plane snapping to grid points, divide it with the same number as the grid, and use vertex snapping as well as grid snapping. This way you can rotate it as well
Even with custom grids at all time wont either the x, y or z coordinate need to be zero?
I want to be able to move an object anywhere and it always respects the 10cm increment.
With a quick search i found a couple of things you could try
I feel that the whole snapping debacle in that thread and here is an artificial problem.
The reason i do not enjoy moving an object to 10,20,10 for example, is because I believe these numbers are floats and can become innacurate. For example if I push a vert of box to 10,20,10 and the same for another box. The 2 verts won't actually line up but be fractions of milimetres off.
The error can compound quickly and your faces are no longer planar.
It is also mimic's UE4 in that if it's modular in 3dsmax it will be modular in ue4 without 0,0,0 pivots.
The other reason is if Im laying out a building plan or model, and I know a wall is 225cm. But its origin is actualy 335, 27.865, 52.31. All of a sudden it becomes very difficult to measure this accurately.
I searched the internet for a good hour trying to find a solution but couldn't find anything. There are the custom grid tools but in a completely 3D space you're talking about turning grids on and off constantly.
Im sure it wouldnt even be hard to make script that always rounds the xyz values to the closest 10cm.
At the moment I'm relying on vertex snapping and reference boxes. Which takes a little longer but is at least accurate.
The first unrepresentable integer in 24bit float is 2^24+1. You're typically not on that scale, so any 1.000003 errors you're getting are due to Max's internal calculations.
What's the problem with working in quad view while you do your laying out?
The system I'm suggesting just allows for a much faster workflow that is present in other modelling packages. Setting up custom grids is actually slowing the workflow down which is not ideal. I still find it interesting that after all these years there's still no elegant solution.
For now reference geometry is the fastest way to achieve this.
It sounds like you're trapping yourself with this problem. Max is not designed for extreme accuracy, it's a media dcc tool, it won't ever be Solidworks. Plenty of people create modular assets in Max that snap together really well, so the software is capable.
I can't help feeling the OP simply hasn't got the knack yet, if you explore the behaviour of the snap tools on different subobject types and in different viewports, use relative transforms in the type-in (enter "r50" to move 50 units) and so on you should find you can deal with anything linear without resorting to custom grids or building tools.
But if we start talking about trigonometry, if you rotate an object lets say 15degrees and move it 10cm in the local direction, it wil automatically wont be able to snap to the grid, it will be off in every axis. So if you want modularity, you cannot achieve it this way. What you can do is check the snap to vertex and snap to grid, after that click on a vertex of your object and drag it to the specified point. This way it drags the whole model but snaps it from your vertex, not your pivot. Honestly that is propably your best solution.
Even in ue4 if I am not mistaken you can rotate and move to local axis but it gradually offsets.
Try searching for local axis snapping
I've done over 1000 renders at work but the longest I've ever gotten to spend on a full scene is 12 hours (averages 2 hours) start to finish. I realised that having 1000 mediocre renders is not as good as having 1 amazing one. So trying to pour a couple hundred hours into a personal project.
It definitely works well but needs to be fleshed out for now. Only work with edit poly on, or not at all (but not both at the same time). With some fleshing out this script could be really useful.
Damn just made it feel like it is possible but doubt we'll ever see it.