This is a project which was inspired by Anthony Eftekhari's
India project.
2 two of my friends and me are working on this project 3 days a week since about roughly a month. We are not always able to use the hole day because we still have class and homework's we have to work on.
We are going to be rendering so this will not be a real time project. We are currently working on the assets but later we want to add some dynamic and crowd simulations.
This is our concept image which we are working off.

Here are some renders I will probably upload some other assets.

Any critique is always welcome.
Here are some new buildings which we have been working on. We also put together a small scene to see how everything is coming together.
Also I will link the art station of my two friends with whom I'm doing this project with. David Waldhaus and Stellan Jördens.
Here are some more Assets we where working on this past 3 days. We are slowing reaching the end of all of them so slowly we will start to build up the city.
Also the ruins are somewhat modular so they can be reused easily.
Currently working on the blockout and cameras.
Hope to soon be working on the crowd simulations !
I was a little bit busy so I had no time posting but we were still working on the project.
Finally we finished it so here is the final shot of the city.
Here is the link to the video, hope you enjoy it.
Graduation Project: City of thousand temples
Wow! Looks gorgeous!! Beautiful detail!