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[UE4] Star Citizen Capital Ship Corridor (trying SC workflow)

polycounter lvl 6
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lloydj14 polycounter lvl 6
Hi been away for a while and thought it was time to start my next project.
I am going to create a corridor based on Star Citizen Concept art attempting to use the decal workflow with tiling textures.

Just the advanced greybox to show so far. Took extra time getting the shapes and modularity correct at this point to prevent any issues further down the line. Also tried to get the base lighting somewhere near the where I want to end up.

The Concept:

Next up is start nailing down the decals/ shaders to control them and start adding the decal detail to the models. Started to play with the technique and can really see its potential. 


  • CybranM
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    CybranM interpolator
    Menchen said:
    Which shit is that concept of?
    Thats a bit harsh dont you think? :smile:
  • lloydj14
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    lloydj14 polycounter lvl 6
    @Menchen Thank you for such kind words xD  It's the javelin capital ship. I'm using 3ds max and I was not aware of any decal limitations bUT thank you for mentioning. Could you explain a bit further so I can do some reasearch into it. :sweat: 
  • lloydj14
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    lloydj14 polycounter lvl 6
    @Menchen Ah Yes. Was aware of these limitations but thanks for clarifying and thank you for the videos. Was interesting to see the differences between engines. 

    Not much progress as I had to start remaking the scene due to corrupted UE4 project files. Got round to making a quick base version of a painted metal material.  Still think the amount of noise/paint wear needs adjust and possibly more roughness variations added to the paint. What are people thinking ?

    Quick shot of material slapped on a couple of assets in engine sort of highlights the paint wear 

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