Hi all!
I just started using Substance Designer and Painter, and I recently began playing with smart masks and generators. I'm trying to texture an asset in Designer, and I've run into an issue...

The edges don't apply correctly to the edges of my model. Any ideas why?
Everywhere there is a UV seam there is an issue. I tried running the generator through a "triplanar projection" node to get rid of the seam after I saw it work here:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=147BcLoHDgcBut all I got was this:

And that is very much NOT correct.
Again, I'm super green to this whole procedural texturing area (come to think of it, texturing in general).
Thanks for any help!
Edit: Just realized I should probably post a picture of the nodes...
The first picture's nodes:

The second picture's nodes:

I'm wondering why the detail on this UV island is not also on the joining edge of the other UV island:
Is this just how generators work on UV seams? I ask because I noticed on another part of the model where the edges are joined in the UV space there isn't a problem. But as soon as they split, there is an issue.
How do I combat this?
Thanks for your reply @Jerc !
As a fix, Try generating curvature from the tangent space normal map and using that instead of a baked one, it's more predictable although it comes with its own set of potential artefacts.