So I've been struggling with making a normal map for this helmet I modeled in zbrush (and retoppoed in topogun then uv'ed in maya) and from what I can tell the UV maps look fine
iv'e tried a multitude of different settings setups in Xnormal and this would be the second attempt at a retopo of the model (cause I thought my original retopo was just bad and was causing the problem, turns out that was wrong).
Frankly i'm stumped on what could be going wrong so I decided to make a post here to see if anyone can help me spit ball some solutions.

This is what the normal maps on the actual low res model look like (side note I don't know if that poly is way to high or way to low so let me know!)

Regarding the bake, are you using a cage in Xnormal and have you made sure the objects are in the same location? as it seems to be baking something it could be that the rays are simply missing the highpoly. Recommend reading the stickys bout normal maps as well as checking the polycount wiki.
As for the bake not using a cage but ill look into it because I haven't tried that yet. As for are they in the same location.... I actually need to double check that so Ill get back to you on that one.
Yup you 100% on the shading groups bit I completely forgot about that entirely ill go see if that makes a difference now so Ill get back to you on that
It also looks like your low poly mesh normals aren't set up well. I would recommend finding some basic tutorials on normal mapping.
Edit: 1 heres the normal version with the corrected orientation and smoothing on, sadly the results are very similar.
Edit 1: So I discovered something interesting apparently view port 2.0 defaults to sRGB for normal maps, were as the legacy doesn't and the legacy version looked nicer. So I did some google foo and found out that its apparently supposed to be in Raw mode instead of sRGB to display properly in maya.
SRGB mode
Viewport 2.0 with Raw instead of SRGB
is it perfect? well nah theres still that black edge but hey its an improvement at least. Ill finish up that retop of the helmet and try again and see how that turns out.