Hey all - I'm doing some freelance AD work for a VR project, and I need a variety of bad buy models. The client doesn't have the funds to shell out for custom characters, so we've decided to buy a few base meshes of differing build, clothes to mix and match, and perhaps hair to mix and match as well. I will be building a series of custom heads that will get thrown in the mixes.
I've looked at a few options. I played with Autodesk's Character Generator, as I like the idea building multiple characters via sliders and a menu system (quick and cheap). Unfortunately it was awful. So unless I find a better generator, I'm thinking the Unity Store may be a possibility. I'm also looking at Daz Studio now. It's uh.. interesting...
Any suggestions/ideas would be appreciated.
mixamo also have a bunch of pre-made chars and anims you can use as a jumping off point
Thanks all!