Hello guys, i just finished my script for Convert 3ds max Vray to UE. It's for my game, but i think some body can use it too
Basic pipline is : Select all objects in scene, click convert (wait some time), then export and import in unreal. It will be "same same" materials and positions of all objects.
I use Vray Diffuse color to Vertex Color, Ambient Occlusion to Vertex Alpha, Reflection to U coordinate of 3 unwrap channel, and glossy to V coordinate of 3 unwrap channel. All baking prosecc making in one click button.
Script inside Unreal helps to place all objects via Edit-Paste. Code generated by script.
New version wit Full processed Vray-> Unreal PBR shaders
Now Support Self Illumination for Emissive in UE4
I have some researches about this:
I want to convert "real" Vray Materials without any editing for UE.
to 3ds max. there are many problems with diffirent max versions and OS
new version V_17 released, many improvements
TimeLapse Full Scene Convert.
24 version released - exporting textures
25 vers