
Have a problem

First I start a new NDO-Project.
Then I import my mesh and the baked Normal Map (from my High-Poly-Model).
When the project is created then, I create a multi normal layer.
Then I press the button at "NDO Painter Mode".
Then 3DO opens itself.
Don't know why but I have no painting mode.
Just "Option", "Baking" and "Import".
I never had this problem before, I already restartet Quixel, doesn't help.
Anyone can help?
Best Regards,

I am using Photoshop CS6. Don't know the exact version right now
but there wasn't an Update and it worked before.
Don't know why it doesn't work with it. I baked the high poly Mesh
above the low poly Mesh so I need this normal map.
I don't know an other way, but sometimes it just doesn't work
Close PS and the Suite
Right click on PS, choose Run As Admin
Close PS
Run the Suite
Try painting normals again.
Maybe something is wrong with my normal map?
I mean, he loads the painting mode if I am not using the normal map.
On the other hand, he loads the mesh correctly with the normal map, just
the Paint mode isn't there