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Portfolio feedback

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Eggy_3D null
Hi new to this site just wanted to get some feedback on my portfolio and what ways I can improve it.   



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    FULGORE greentooth
    A link might help ;)
  • Eggy_3D
  • Brian "Panda" Choi
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    Brian "Panda" Choi high dynamic range
    Don't use Wix.  Wix makees people upset because how ugly it generally looks.

    Use Artstation.
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    FULGORE greentooth
    Site-wise, I agree, Artstation is just all around good and does wonders for exposure :) It's where all the cool kids are hanging out these days

    Content-wise, tbh there's a lot to critique. What pops out as needing improvement the most is lighting/composition (I'm seeing what looks like rooms lit by a single huge plain white omni light, instead of looking like the fixtures are doing the lighting. Look at some real world ref) and also this wireframe - drawers that aren't gonna be open don't need to be modeled in to the rest of the mesh, and this will save tris e.g. just make the base, make one drawer and duplicate it a few times. Plus look at the amount of triangles in the wheels/railing compared to the fabric hanging off it
  • Shrike
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    Shrike interpolator
    Wix is fine, it gives the most freedom of all website builders i tested, but yeah its only as good as you make it. The presets are definitely the worst. So bad for beginners good for designers with no web skills. In this case he should probably switch tho. 

    What you need to do right now is just keep on modeling and doing tutorials and trying to improve. Its too early for a portfolio. All these things need to be scrapped in your final selection. You need at least 6 months of high productive work to be ready to start looking for a job with a portfolio. There is not much to say aside of that its a good start but you just need to keep on working. 

    At best try to pick a good reference that does not leave any room for cheating and interpretations, real subject matter no sci-fi or fantasy, and try to replicate as good as you can. Watch a tutorial every day for your 3D software or other skills (texturing, UV, bake, etc) and you'll be better than you ever thought in no time. 
  • Ashervisalis
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    Ashervisalis grand marshal polycounter
    The props for the garage should all be on on sheet. There's just too much scrolling to see all of them and a recruiter won't scroll that far. Also, learn how to render wireframes because your screen grabs are pretty ugly!

    You need to put some work into your texturing skills. It just looks like certain materials were applied to each portion of the prop and then finished. A lot of your materials look flat and really simple. Check out your crate prop from the armory; It's made of different pieces of wood, but the texture markings continue on from one plank to the next. There's also a bunch of obvious tiling going on with the textures on walls. Materials are hard to read; what is the wall in the garage made of?

    I'd really suggest trying to model one single item and model/texture it really really well.
  • Carabiner
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    Carabiner greentooth
    Seconding what everyone else has said above re: materials and rendering.

    One other thing: on your garage page, you said that you "had to find a concept image" - you really should include that concept image on the page, or at least a link to it, so people can see how you interpreted it.
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