My prototype of better Expert Mode for 3ds Max - FullScreenModeScript. It has still some bugs when you are using user defined toolbars it doesn't hide them like main toolbar because I don't know how to handle toolbars and operate with them - tried windows.getMAXHWND but didn't find solution.
-- FullscreenModeScript By Dash-POWER --
fn ToggleOn = (
if (cui.getExpertMode() != true) do cui.expertModeOn() "Outliner" "toggleOutliner" -- If you are using Outliner
(dotnetclass "Autodesk.Windows.ComponentManager").QuickAccessToolBar.IsMenuBarVisible = false;
(dotnetclass "Autodesk.Windows.ComponentManager").QuickAccessToolBar.IsVisible = false;
trackbar.visible = false
if (MaxRibbon.IsRibbonOpen()) do MaxRibbon.ShowRibbon false
actionMan.executeAction 0 "50026"
fn ToggleOff = ( "Outliner" "toggleOutliner" -- If you are using Outliner
(dotnetclass "Autodesk.Windows.ComponentManager").QuickAccessToolBar.IsMenuBarVisible = true;
(dotnetclass "Autodesk.Windows.ComponentManager").QuickAccessToolBar.IsVisible = true;
trackbar.visible = true
if (MaxRibbon.IsRibbonOpen() != true) do MaxRibbon.ShowRibbon true
actionMan.executeAction 0 "50026"
if (Status == undefined) then (
Status = "On" as string
) else (
Status = undefined
)<br> If you want to hide InfoCenter on the right: HWND=windows.getMAXHWND()
HWNDChild=UIAccessor.GetChildWindows HWND
for f in HWNDChild do
if UIAccessor.GetWindowText f == "InfoCenterHwndSource" then
Windows.sendMessage f 0x10 0 0
ComponentManager = (dotnetclass "Autodesk.Windows.ComponentManager")
ComponentManager.InfoCenterToolBar.MaxWidth = 0
ComponentManager.InfoCenterToolBar.MinWidth = 0
i see someone got the outliner script working again in more recent releases. good one! i'd kill to have that available to me these days in blender...
but what i really wanted to know is what on earth is going on in your titlebar? looks like you found the last place in the max interface not stuffed to the brim with icons out of the box - and ... filled it up too?
but what i really wanted to know is what on earth is going on in your titlebar? looks like you found the last place in the max interface not stuffed to the brim with icons out of the box - and ... filled it up too?
Don't panic. This was just test how many icons can I fill the top bar if I remove the info center. I used soulburnscripts - (really good stuff) as placeholders.
but what i really wanted to know is what on earth is going on in your titlebar? looks like you found the last place in the max interface not stuffed to the brim with icons out of the box - and ... filled it up too?
some small ( non critical) bugs , got no time currently to fix them though ...
Don't panic.
Cool. I remember that I had instant crashing with 3.0 alpha in 2014-2016 so I sticked with 2.0