So...This is an original character of mine for my webcomic. This is REALLY impromptu so there was no real thought that went into it and it's still way WAY incomplete but, this is the first time I've ever really sat down and tried a digital painting project like this.
Also, since this was a spur of the moment thing (and I haven't revisited these character in a while), he's in serious need of design work.
Anyway, as far as the painting goes...I feel like I was falling back on (maybe bad) instincts for lighting and color. Specifically his face. I had done another version before this one where I hadn't added any facial features but then drew over his face to try to add those features because adding that definition is difficult for me to wade through. I'm doing it, but that's the one thing that stands out to ME that's wrong for sure. So...further definition all features, including his arms and (going back in) to redo is hands; He's supposed to be holding a bow which I have to go back in and add and I wanted him to have that angel-statue like feel; those really beautiful old statues of a powerful looking dude in the nice flow-y robes. But...again, I really need to sit down and rethink his design anyway so there's that hurdle as well.
BUT for just a little experiment, knowing that I'm at least on the right track would be nice.
(environment is an entirely different issue. My computer starts to lag really bad when I go deeper into environments)
I...okay, yeah. Any direction is welcome. Again, first real attempt at this sort of rendering.